Chapter 14: Tragic Prince of the Konoha

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"He is just a boy, Iruka! Sarada should be here with him and not out there."

"I-I know, Hinata..."

"Saruto just lost his father, he doesn't need to lose his mother as well!"

I listened quietly from the steps. They seemed to try and speak quietly so as to not worry me but emotions were high when it came to my grandmother. I was stuck inside the confines of the village while my mother, Aunt Himawari, Grandpa Sasuke and Naruto, Grandma Sakura, and the rest of the higher ranks of village shinobi were fighting the war between the Otsutsuki clan and the four other clans.

The only reason they were worried about me was they thought I was a broken child who had just lost his father and awakened his Sharingan. Sometimes I think they forget that I am Chunin who can handle himself. But it wasn't until my grandfather benched me in this fight, for now. Yeah, right. They probably think I am this fragile person. I'm not.

"Hinata," Great-Grandpa Iruka softly spoke out from their conversation in the kitchen, "Sasuke thought it would be best if Saruto stayed behind on battle and you know Sarada has a duty to her village."

I could feel as my grandmother struggled to keep her composure.

"They are all hurting too after B-Bor-... my son passed," her voice shook as she struggled to find the right words, "don't you think it was too rash of Naruto to arrange an attack so early after h-he..."
She couldn't manage to get the right words out before she started to cry. From the corner of my vision I could see Kakashi walk over and hold her tight. She softly weeped in his arms.

"I-I know it's already been a few months but...I don't think I can give Saruto what he needs right now."

Grandma Hinata was sad. She had been taking care of me since my mother left Konoha to fight. It has been just the two of us and Tsuki and Haru in the house. Mostly it's quite because they never know what to say to me. I guess I wouldn't even know what to say to myself. I understand why she would be concerned about me. It was her nature but it wasn't like I was making it any easier for her. I mostly just spent my days and nights in the fields where my father used to train practicing shurikenjutsu. It's been a while since I have talked to my friends. I know they talk about me behind my back at school. I guess I chose not to talk to anyone. I didn't want their pity or awkwardness. I just wanted to be alone in my thoughts. And this Sharingan. From it I have been able to improve my shurikenjutsu but minimal things. Without someone like my grandfather or mother, I am useless with it. I just don't have anyone who could teach and understand me. I was alone.

"Hinata, I can help him."

Suddenly my heart dropped as I heard the words come from the room below. My heart raced as I stood there wondering if there really was someone who could make me stronger. So that one day I can finally surpass my father and defeat Kaushiki.

"Kakashi..." Hinata whispered under her breath.


The Copy Cat Ninja. Son of the White Fang of the Leaf. Kakashi of the Sahringan. That's right. I guess Kakashi was a lot more like me than I thought. Prodigy for the ninja arts at an early age. Had a sharingan so he understands the needs I have for it and... he also lost his father at the same age as me. Plus, he had trained both of my grandfathers, grandmother, and parents. He was exactly what I needed.

"With your permission, I want to train him as my student," Kakashi spoke out sincerely and this made my heart rush.

There was a long pause. I grabbed my chest trying to contain my feelings.

"People see him as this Tragic Prince of Konoha but let me train him to become stronger and powerful. He must rediscover who is to truly overcome what he is now."

There was a long silence as I began to tear up. Kakashi's words reminded me of how my father viewed me. I remember every praise and every long night that we spent out in those fields training. My father always told me that he was trying to one-up on the childhood he received from Naruto. The two always joke to each other about. But he was always there, whether in the shadows or directly in the front lines.

It made me so happy that Kakashi-sensei showed that particular interest in me. It empowered me to become more powerful that I can one day prevent anyone else close to me from ever getting hurt. A future with no wars, no conflict just clears skies and peaceful days.

"Are you nervous?" A soft voice broke me out of my daze.

Avoiding eye contact with her I faced towards the beautiful views of the mountain side. I sighed before hanging my head down low. I was only thirteen when I last saw Kakashi-sensei. What would he think of me now? Would he be proud?

Soon I felt Shikadami start to cross paths with mine as we walked up the passageway. The feeling of her being close to me sent me on edge but I avoided the contact. From the corner of my eye I could see her smile, she didn't seem offended that I was avoiding her.

"Sar," she spoke out in a comforting tone, "He would be very proud of you."

My frown softens with her words. She understood that the way Kakashi saw me meant everything to me. After my father had passed, Kakashi was there to raise me. When we had left the village for those two and half years he made me stronger. My grandfather said that our relationship was like the one he had with his own sensei, Jiraya.

As the fog began to dim and the sunlight had broken through clouds, I understood that we were close to our destination. Hopefully the others got there safely. It was a good idea for us to split up, a point proven when we were ambushed by the assassins of the mist.

Suddenly up ahead of us a gleaming golden structure stood at the edges of an illuminating glacier. We were here.

The Temples of Reflection.

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