18 <3

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"You can't catch me!" Y/n yelled as she ran to the tallest play set at the park. 

"I totally fucking can!" 

"No you can't you slow poke!" 

"Fucking stubborn bitch, just watch me!" Bakugou yelled back as he chased his girlfriend up the metal stairs. 

You see, right now the two teenagers were on a date at the park, wanting to be all cute and couple goals type shit. So far Y/n had fallen off the top of the monkey bars and hurt her arm, Bakugou had mulch thrown in his face, and the couple was told off by an old lady for kissing while on the swings. Why the hell was she there? No one knows. 

While this date may have not been going the best, they still had a hell of a time together. Firstly, they went to get boba, where Y/n's order was screwed up, but the drink still tasted good. Then, they went back to Y/n's dorm to decorate it some more. After decorating for a half an hour she had dragged Bakugou up out of the bed and decided that she wanted to go to her favorite childhood park where she would often visit with her father and relive those memories from when she was little. 

Bakugou had caught up with her at the top of the play set and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her shorter form into his own. Y/n turned in her arms and hugged him around his middle, relaxing in his warm embrace. Nothing could ruin this moment. 

"Told you I'd catch up to you, dumbass."

Okay, maybe one thing could ruin the moment. 

Y/n looked up and started giggling. "What's so fucking funny chipmunk?!" Bakugou yelled. The giggles increased and soon became chuckles. 

"Nothin', you ruined the moment we were having." Bakugou wipes a tear from under her cheek. Y/n reaches up and puts her hand on top of his, so now he's holding the side of her face. His calloused hands are warm and rough, but he's gentle in his movements. He wraps his other hand around her waist and brings her in a second time. However, this time he doesn't say anything, he just holds her as if he'll never see her again. 

"C'mon, I have someone I want you to meet." Y/n pulls away from him. She grabs a hold of his hand to lead the way to this 'someone' she was talking about. Bakugou just trails beside her.

"Where are we going dumbass?"

"It's a surprise, you'll see soon enough."

Bakugou scoffed, but continued walking nonetheless. The past by a row of apartments, hearing soft music coming from one, and yelling coming from another. Y/n frowned, how was it that somebody could be so happy and another could be filled with hatred? It just doesn't seem fair. Then again, life isn't fair. It picks people to hate, and others to love, and in return it gets the same treatment. But that's not always true, people will be so damaged by life, but be there to make sure others are happy. They won't always show how badly it affects them, instead they'll smile for the people they have in their life and cherish them, you never know when they'll be gone. 

The couple finally made it to their destination. An old cemetery? Why were they...oh. They were here to see someone, that someone being-

"Bakugou, I want you to meet my father." This was obviously a big moment in Y/n's life, so it wasn't like he was going to say no to her wishes. 

She brought him to a grave all the way in the back, it had a wooden bench beside it and a large tree to shade it. Y/n sat down on the bench and patted the seat beside her for Bakugou to sit, not looking up at him, just staring down at her father's grave. 

"Welp, this is my dad. Dad meet Bakugou, Bakugou meet Dad. Do you have any questions?" She finally looked over at him, her eyes glossed over. 

"Uh yeah, what was his quirk?" He asked. 

"You have a limitless amount of questions to ask and instead you ask about his quirk? Pfft weirdo." She chuckled. "Anyways, his quirk was like my brother's. He had super speed, yeah yeah boring I know. So many people have that, but his was different. Whenever he used it, huge gusts of wind would follow him, he somehow controlled it to go towards the villains instead of the civilians. I think Iida and I may be related somehow, but his quirk was so much more powerful than Iida's." 

"Sorry Iida," She whispered. 

"Do you miss him?" 

"Of course I fucking miss him! I miss my real mom and she died before I could even meet her, you know why she died? You know what killed her? Me. She died trying to give me a shot at life." 

Bakugou was so confused. "So your 'mom' at home isn't your real mom?" 

"Yeah, she's my step mom, and even though she's the only motherly figured I've ever really had in my life, it doesn't feel right. I feel terrible saying this but I don't want her, I want my real mom. I'm grateful for all she does and how hard she works, but it's unfair that the world took my mom away before I could even say her name. Sometimes I don't know which death was worse, my dad was murdered in front of me, but my mom was taken away before I could even meet her. I got a chance with my dad, I got to make memories and see who he was. With my mom it was different, I never got a chance and I spend so much time thinking of all the memories we could've had together, and I can't even visit her because she wanted to be one with the ocean." Y/n sneers, her voice raising slightly. Tears rolled down her cheeks rapidly, almost in a comical way that you see in anime. 

"What was her name?" Bakugou asked.

"Dad said her name was Watanabe Ichika, they went to school together, but he never had the confidence to talk to her until 3rd year. She was a popular girl and had many friends, but was nice to everyone. He was an average boy, had a few friends, got average grades, and he didn't talk much."

"Sounds cliche."

"Yeah, their love was like that up until the very end. Their first date was at a nice restaurant, dad had just gotten a job and wanted to do something nice for her. Her dress got caught on the corner of the table and snagged, so he gave her his jacket, which didn't help cover the tear at all. She was so embarrassed and dad took her to get ice cream, which resulted in them laughing over everything that happened." The couple laughed a little at this, sounding like something they'd do. 

"Wow. He really seemed to loved her." The words weren't of pity, more of reassurance. Reassurance that she died knowing she was loved deeply. 

"Yeah, he did." She sniffled. 

y'all there is gonna be some angst??? coming up shortly 😳 so get ready for that. I'm not too proud of this one, but I decided that I needed to put out another chapter. 

Do you guys want a discord server to talk about the book and just get to know each other? Let me know bc i already made it hehe🤪 but does that sound like a good idea??? If the majority says yes then I'll put the link to it in an announcement. If i do then also lmk if something is wrong with the server bc this was my first time ever making one lol. 

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