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Holy hell.


How is...how?!

How did she become a villain...she was always so sweet. Sometimes she got a little too enthusiastic about blood, yeah, but I never imagined she'd become a villain. We used to be best friends, but now I feel like I know nothing about her. I wish I could change her mind on this, but it's obvious this is her life now.

There's no way we could become close friends again. Her, a villain, and me, a hero in training.

Part of me wonders if things would be different if I hadn't left her all those years ago. Would we still be friends? Would she grow up to be a hero with me like we were supposed to?

Finally, I said something. "Why?" That was the only thing I could think of at the moment. "Why...why did you become a villain? You could've waited for me and we could've went to U.A! You're damn powerful enough to! Why did you throw it all away to become a villain? We were gonna be heroes together!" The first time I had seen my childhood best friend in 6 years, and I was crying. And she was a villain.

"Oh N/n...you know I couldn't do that." Toga said with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Yes, you fucking could!"

"NO! HOW WOULD I EVER BECOME A HERO?! Everyone left me, they said I was a monster."

"We could've..." I could hear the crack in my voice.

"No, we couldn't have. I never thought I would see you again. You were the only thing keeping me good, and you left. Just like everyone else." She smiled a soft, broken smile, "you made me a villain." With that, she walked out of the cold room. The tears got worse as she left.

Slow clapping was all that I heard. I didn't realize that the rough hands had left my wrists, I guess I was too busy talking (and yelling) at Toga to notice. "That..was like watching a Netflix Drama with my younger sister again, Ah, the memories."

"Can it, bacon bits." I'm too confused and upset to deal with this dude's shit right now.

"Feisty, aren't we Chipmunk?"

"The fuck did you just say?!" I was way more than mad right now. I was seeing red.

"What did I say?" He feigned innocence. If I wasn't currently tied up, and also wasn't born with a rodent quirk, I would've went on a rampage by now. Actually, we all know I wouldn't. That's not something heroes do...but heroes also don't leave one of their own in the hands of villains. Heroes don't judge by differences.

Are the 'heroes' i know really deserving of the hero title?

Damn, these villains are really getting to me. Maybe everyone was right...maybe I am too weak to be a hero. I heard a sigh and saw Dabi sit in the seat across from me. He stared right into my eyes, examining me, making me feel smaller than I already was.

"You know, I felt the same. Everyone pressured me to become a hero, I was always told I wasn't strong enough, wasn't working hard enough, I was never enough to those damn heroes. They told me I was weak, not capable of ever being strong like they were. So, I left. I became a villain and discovered my true self. I was always powerful, but their words made me weak, they made me believe that I was a problem that needed to be fixed. And once I started to discover the truth, they lied and tried to act like victims. They called me a monster, a freak, a mistake. I could go on forever about the things they said to me. I know you feel the same, we all did at one point. But here, we're all freaks. We all fit in, each of us are pieces of a puzzle, we can't be complete unless we have each other. It's time to start realizing how strong you truly are, Y/n."

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