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Y/n's pov

Today was a good day. 'Why?' you may ask. Well, I'll tell you why! Today is y/b/d, which means it's my birthday! Today is the day I finally turn 16...

Mom was out of town for B/1's sports game, but she still left me some money for a present. I think I'll just save it to get something special. Kinda sad she's not gonna be here with me, but I understand that she's been busy. She's been working extra shifts at the hospital to provide for us, she said that things at the house have been more chaotic since i've left.

B/2 has been looking for a job, but so far he's been unsuccessful. B/1 has been focusing on his sports team, due to being the captain and all. I've talked to her about me getting a job, but she told me to focus on my hero studies.

"When you become a pro hero, we'll never have to worry about money again! You're in that class for a reason, you need to work to try your best. I'll be able to provide for us, don't even worry about it sweetie!" She sounded so excited...

But i've seen how exhausted this is making her. I still like to visit when I have time off school or when I need to get some food for Jeremy, that's when I see her. Her eyes once full of life have become dull and dreary, sometimes I find her passed out on the couch, too tired to make it to her room. When that happens I put a blanket over her and leave a note telling her to stop overworking herself.

Enough about my money problems, Katsuki will be at my dorm soon to take me out on a date. We're gonna go to this new ramen place at the mall, it's gotten really good reviews.

My outfit was simple, just a sweater and jeans (or whatever you like to wear). I didn't really feel like putting much effort in what I wore today. Today didn't even feel like my birthday, it felt off....But I shouldn't let that get to me! It's gonna be a good day! I'm going on a date with my wonderful boyfriend and going to eat wonderful food, then later i'm gonna watch a wonderful movie with my wonderful friends. Phew...that's enough wonderful for today.

"Open up Chipmunk!" I heard my boyfriend on the other side of the door. I smiled and ran to the door. I opened it and attacked him in hugs. He stumbled backwards and grabbed the door frame to keep his balance.

"Hey hey, don't grab me there!" He growled and moved my hand off his ass.

"Sorry, i'm just so excited!"

"Yeah yeah" My angry boyfriend grumbled. "Come on, the uber's gonna be here soon." I nodded and followed him outside. We sat down on a bench and talked until the uber got here. This man wasn't like Jeremy, he had black hair and his skin was burnt in most places, but he wore a kind smile/smirk. He had on a white button up, which looked to be a little too tight. I know I had a great boyfriend, but it was hard to look away, anyways I wasn't planning on leaving Katsuki anytime soon.

"Where you folks heading?" He looked back at us. I swallowed thickly and he smirked at this, what a weird dude. "It says it on your fucking phone." Bakugou spat, glaring at the man. Katsu gripped my thigh with his rough hand, basically telling this dude "mine". I couldn't help but blush at his actions.

'Not the right time Y/n' I repeated over and over to myself until we were finally there. The man smirked again and said, "You kids have fun." I just nodded to be polite.

I heard the car speed off and we walked to the entrance of the mall. I turned to Katsuki, "That man made me uncomfortable..." He nodded and grabbed my hand, squeezing it occasionally. We walked past all the people and then got to the escalator. The ramen place was on the second floor, so we had to take it to get up there.

I could already smell all the delicious food as soon as we stepped off. My eyes widened at how many people there were up here. "Hello, welcome to Hoshi Ramen. What can I get for you today?" Looking at the menu overhead, I decided on the shoyu ramen, which I made sure to check that it was vegetarian. Katsu ordered the spiciest ramen they had.

We waited on the side until our order was called. "Order #16 is ready to go!" I went to pick a table while Katsuki got the food tray, I ended up choosing a two person table in the middle. "Here's your food." He handed the bowl and a pair of chopsticks to me. The ramen had seaweed, spring onion, and sesame seeds on top. It smelled heavenly, not like the cheap convenience store ones, but like a home cooked meal. Katsuki's ramen was bright red, with spring onion, egg, and sesame seeds on top.

Katsu quickly scarfed down his ramen, and I ate it a bit slower. It tasted even better than it smelled. I quickly realized that the broth was making me have to go to the bathroom, so I told Katsuki where I was going, kissed him on the cheek, and made my way to the bathroom.

I walked into a stall and locked the stall door. I heard the door to the bathroom creak open, but didn't pay any mind to it.

After finishing my business I pulled up my pants and made my way out. The black haired man from before was standing against the wall, now in different attire. My eyes widened as I tried to change forms to run away, but I was too slow. He had me pinned to the wall before I could even attempt using my quirk. "Miss me?" His smirk was quickly wiped off his face as I spit at him. Now he was glaring at me.

"Wash your hands princess, we're leaving."

"I refuse to go anywhere with you, and don't fucking call me that." I elbowed him and spun so I was facing the door, I could make it out if I ran fast enough. I made it a few steps away before his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, his other hand produced fire that he inched towards my face.

"If you wanna live, I suggest you wash your hands and come with us, princess." Now there was a portal void man thingy and hand dude with him. I nodded with tears in my eyes and turned towards the sink, this felt like the slowest time I've ever washed my hands. I could feel all their eyes burning holes into my back, if I wasn't careful enough, that one guy probably would burn a hole in my back. I dried my hands and walked over to them, there was no point in fighting anymore.

No matter what I did, they were gonna get me. My last words before getting pulled through the portal was "KATSUUUUU!!!"

And then....darkness

so sorry for the cliff hanger my dudes, but damn dabi was giving me butterflies


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