15 <3

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It was really late at night(no fucking clue why she was up), when I got a call. Who in their right mind is calling me at this time of night? (in reality it was like 9 pm or sum)Oh, its just Bakugo. He's usually asleep at this time, though. 

I answered it anyways and heard sobs coming from the other end. Is he...crying? "Katsu? What's wrong?" It was silent for a minute. The only sounds I could hear was him sobbing, he would mumble something every so often. 

Finally he answered, "I...i just-nevermind it's s-stupid." I shook my head.(dumb bitch) Then I remembered that we were on the phone and he couldn't see me. "Katsu...do you want me to come to your room and you can tell me what *yawn* happened?" He managed to say a small, "yes". I hung up as soon as he said that. 

I got up off of my comfy bed >_< and picked up one of my blankets. Should I bring one for Katsuki too? (yes bich do it) I picked up an orange one that I bought specifically for him. (It's the favoritism for me sis. I need to stop doing these) I got my bunny slippers on as well. Finally off to comfort my best friend ! 

I opened my door slowly, trying hard to not make any noise. A small creak was heard. Shoot. It's fine. It's fine. I'm not going to get caught. Oh my god couldn't UA make these doors not as creaky or something!? 

I finally got the door open wide enough for me to fit through. I stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind me. phew. I tiptoed through the hallway and finally made it to his door.

 I knocked softly before getting pulled in. Strong arms wrapped around me and a head was buried into my chest. 

Knowing that my best friend needed to be comforted, I wrapped one arm around him and reached up with my free hand to pet his hair. He said his mom used to do this to comfort him when he was younger, before she became such a...bitch. I don't think she's....that word....but her and Katsu have a lot in common. I know he loves her, he just doesn't know how to express many emotions besides anger. I don't blame him, he just needs to learn. He's been doing a better job at that lately. 

He sobbed into my neck, "I just..*sob* want to be the best. I want to protect people. I want to protect you, Y/n. But I'm not strong enough! I'll never be! That damn Deku will always be one step ahead.." I...i didn't know he felt this way. I should've payed more attention. I now understand...I would be upset too if someone I knew from childhood randomly got a quirk when they were said to be quirkless before. 

"You are strong Katsu. You're stronger than anyone I know. Sure Midoriya may be strong too, but at least you don't break your bones all the time. Okay I know that wasn't funny. But you've gone through so much, yet you're still standing here." His sobs died down and I placed a gentle kiss to his forehead. I unwrapped his arms from around me and pulled him to the bed. 

I placed the orange blanket around his shoulders and sat beside him with my pink one. The sight in front of me completely broke my heart. He was looking at the wall behind me with bloodshot eyes. He must've been crying for awhile before calling me. 

I finally asked the question I'd been thinking so much about. "What started this?" He looked at me in confusion. 

"I mean what made you cry like this? Something had to have started it." He looked down at his hands. 

"It's embarrassing. You'd make fun of me like all the others would." Am I hearing this right? He thinks I would make fun of him for feeling hurt? I didn't make fun of Kaminari when his shorts got caught on something and ripped off, revealing his Pokémon underwear. That makes me think...Katsuki kinda reminds me of an Arcanine. 

"I wouldn't make fun of you. You can trust me. It's okay if you don't feel comfortable telling me, I just want you to know that I'm here for you whenever you need me." I smiled at him. 

He nodded and brought the cotton blanket closer to him. "I had a nightmare. The school got attacked by villains and...and" He choked back a sob, "I was so close...I told you to stay close to me and I'd protect you, but you went off to help Deku. The villain went for Deku and you jumped in front of him, taking the hit. You fell to the floor and wouldn't get back up. I promised to protect you and...I failed. I wasn't strong enough. You died because I wasn't fast or strong enough! I just...I can't lose you. I don't want that to become a reality." 

I was the one with tears in my eyes now. He felt this way because of something I did...in a dream? " Katsu...that wasn't real. It was a dream. I'm still here, sitting in front of you, I'm completely okay. I'm alive." I hugged him tighter than I ever have before. 

He laid on top of me and buried his head in my stomach as I blushed bright red. This wasn't any different than usual...okay it kinda was. He had never laid on top of me before, but he needs comforting and I want him to feel loved, so he can stay there I suppose. Also its really comfortable. 

"Wanna watch a movie until *yawn* we fall asleep?" I asked. I felt his head shift on my stomach as he nodded. I reached over for the remote and turned on netflix. I handed the remote to him and he chose a movie. 

"I've seen this one before. It's alright I guess." He said sounding bored. Lies. He told me before that this was his favorite movie. I laughed and rubbed his back, massaging places where his muscles were tense. 

He sighed. "Thank you." W H A T . Bakugo Katsuki THANKING SOMEONE!? I'm just kidding he's thanked me plenty times before, although it never seemed too genuine. 

He looked up at me waiting for a response. "You're welcome." I smiled down at him. We continued watching the movie and I stare at him for a moment. He's so pretty. Right now he looks like the love interest in a romance manga. 

I can't help but just think...NO. No no no no no nO. I mean I could....STOP IT Y/N! Don't think like that...although it's something friends do sometimes. I mean...would he mind? Here goes nothing...

I leaned forward to kiss his cheek at the same time he turned his head back to look at me. Instead of his cheek my lips ended up on something soft. His lips. OMG IM KISSING KATSUKI FRICKING BAKUGO !! 

I pulled away quickly, blushing red. I buried my face in my pink blanket wanting to disappear. He's gonna kick me out. He's not gonna talk to me ever again. He'll hate me. He's not gonna wanna be my best friend anymore...

"Hey Y/n?" I looked up at him expecting to be yelled at. 

Instead I got a soft pair of lips on my own.  

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