V15 - Chapter 177 Healing Bond

Start from the beginning


--- Fort Minick, Dojo ---

Date: April 4th, 2026

Sharpe swings his sword at Grey.

Grey dodges him and hits him in the back with the practice wooden sword. "You are predictable."

He feels his back, and he looks at Grey. "Give me a pistol, and I will show you who's predictable."

Grey shakes his head. "You wanted this training. You have been in two situations where you couldn't use your primary weapon and needed a sword."

He nods, knowing Grey is right. The first time was all the interactions with Krysist. Krysist knew how to disarm him to even the fight. The other time was during the Flame Dragon, where bullets were useless. He wanted to learn this in case he ends up in another situation where he must use a sword. It is the enemy's primary weapon, and Harper always told him it is wise to learn what your enemy uses.

"Let's go again," he says.

He looks at Grey and sees his stance. He charges forward and strikes.

Grey blocks, so he swings the blade at him. He was able to block Grey's attack, but then Grey counters, knocking the sword out of his hands and getting hit again.

"Ahh...," he says as he holds his arm.

"I think we should stop for today," Grey says.

"No," he replies.

"You are too distracted to take this training seriously," Grey replies.

He places his hand on his chest. "Ribs are fine. I just need to be careful."

"I don't mean your ribs," Grey says. "I mean your mind. Your mind is too full."

He takes in an annoyed breath hearing that but understands what Grey means. Life has been stressful in recent weeks, and his mind is stuck with Selina and Sarah in the hospital.

During his time with Delta, he did not have to worry about such things. Yes, he had wounded soldiers he thought about, but that was easy to block out during missions. It came with the job. It is different when it is your daughter and girlfriend.

"You're right," he says. "I have a lot on my mind."

"I understand," Grey says. "While I had many women in my life, I never had children. I never had time between all the wars. I never considered adopting a child; it isn't normal."

"Are you trying to tell me that I should be thankful that they are alive, and I should think less of my job?" he asks.

Grey puts away the wooden sword. "Not at all. What I want to say is that you need to learn that you cannot control everything. The more you try to control things, the harder life will hit you."

He doesn't understand why Grey said that. He has lost soldiers and understands that all plans go out the window once the first bullet flies past your head.

"I know I cannot control everything," he says.

"I don't mean you and the battlefield," Grey says. "Ten years ago, I was a great knight. But then I was forced to lead the Princess Rose Academy. I am not complaining about the opportunity; it turned into a great experience. Events happen outside of your control, and there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot allow what happened to wind you up."

Grey walks over to him. "You cannot change what happened, but you can focus on the future. Be thankful that neither of them are dead."

"Yeah, but they could have been," he replies. "If it was an assassination besides a kidnapping-."

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