The ice villain struggled in CA's grip before snarling, "You can't do this! I am Mister-" Stellar interrupted him with an obnoxious yawn.

"Okay, we get it. You're a blizzard, Harry." She sighed before socking him in the face, causing him to go limp in Captain Atom's grip.

Her mentor stared at her with a raised eyebrow, and she shrugged nonchalantly.

"What? He was annoying. I fully justify my decision." She stated with her head held high.

Captain Atom sighed, "You're nervous." To which Stellar responded by staring at him with an incredulous expression.

"Of course not. Do I look like a gal who gets nervous?" She asked in a faux southern accent, but got another bored look in reply.

Stellar crossed her arms and stared back at Atom. The sidekick tried to match his expression with her own, but sadly, her mentor had become a master at it after having to train her for the past five months.

Stellar attempted to hold out for a little while longer before giving up with a groan, "Fine. Yes, I'm nervous."

The leaguer scoffed before laughing, like full-blown cackling, bringing an embarrassed blush to her cheeks. "Out of all the leaguers, I got stuck with this one." She thought half-heartedly.

"Really?" She forced out through clenched teeth.

CA laughed for a few more moments before dropping the now unconscious villain onto the ground and wiping a stray tear from his eye.

"Whew, sorry, kid, but that was pretty hilarious." He grinned to himself even after the fact, making Stellar glare at him harder.

"And what part of me being nervous was funny to you?" She whisper yelled, throwing her hands up into the air.

He held his hands up in surrender, "The part where you're even nervous at all. You literally trash on super-villains every day; you can lift thirty tons flat, and you're afraid of a group of sidekicks just like you?"

Stellar gave a nod of confirmation, making the mentor sigh again and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Look, kid, think about it this way... you've done great work these last few months, and you deserve to be there with the others. You have so much potential, Stellar, and honestly, I'm proud to call you a friend."

The girl's eyes widened before she smiled brightly and lightly hit him on the arm, "I knew we were gonna be best buds the day I became your protege."

Captain Atoms' earnest expression immediately reverted to indifference as he let go of her shoulder.

"Sure, kid. Now let's get Blizzard here to Stryker's and head to the Hall of Justice before we're late. Trust me; you don't want to be on the receiving end of the famous Bat glare on the first day." He replied, picking Blizzard back up and slinging the villain over his shoulder.

Stellar rolled her eyes, "Come on; it can't be that bad." She commented, flying off the ground with a swiftness.

"Yeah, just wait till you see it up close." He muttered, flying after the sidekick.



July 4, 14:00 EDT

"Wow." was the first thing Stellar said as she and Captain Atom flew down toward the other mentors and sidekicks in front of the league HQ.

"Remember, kid; there's no need to be nervous. Just be yourself; your personality is hefty enough as it is." He muttered the last part, but the sidekick heard, snapping her head over at her mentor, who gave a sheepish shrug in response.

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