Chapter 182 - Golden Conch (1)

Start from the beginning

“I’m just saying.”

A man and a woman was running full tilt towards the two.

Yojori and Joba was like a freight train.  They were charging forward as if they weren’t going to stop, but they stopped on a dime in front of Hyrkan.

When they came to a stop, they started shouting towards Hyrkan.

“I...I saw your video.  Giant Killing!  It was really incredible!”

“ was that possible?  I’ve seen it over a hundred times, yet I’m having a hard time believing it.”

“Hundred?  Stop lying.  If you saw it hundred times, then I saw it 200 times.”

“What? How do you know if I lied or not!  I really saw it a hundred times!”

They were making a big fuss.

However, Hyrkan was satisfied by their reaction.

Hyrkan had wanted to elicit the reaction he was seeing from the two of them.

Hyrkan turned to look at Whistling as the two continued their antic.

Hyrkan looked at Whistling as if to say, ‘This is the reaction you should be having instead of snorting!’

When Whistling read Hyrkan’s countenance and message, he shook his head from side to side before he looked away.

‘What an amazing guy.’

Whistling turned his gaze away, and he forced down his exclamation.  He shoved it down his throat.

He held it in.

‘I never expected him to really win against the Big Smiles guild….’

The Hahoe Mask and the Big Smiles guild had collided.  The public decided to copy the Hahoe Mask’s title for his video, and the incident was now called the Giant Killing.  A week had passed since the incident.  However, the people of Warlord was still having a trouble digesting the reality of the incident.  This was how shocking this incident was.

Hahoe Mask always took on impossible challenges, and he brought the impossible into reality.  This was why people were fanatical about him.

However, this incident was on a whole different dimension compared to anything the Hahoe Mask had pulled off before.

A tectonic shift had occurred.

Accompanying the tectonic shift in a land where the 30 great guilds existed, a 31st power had appeared.

Of course, in the past, the Hahoe Mask and the 30 great guilds….

Their relationship could only be described as an ill-fated relationship.  However, Hyrkan had been able to declare a war against the Big Smiles guild, and he had won. 

He had achieved victory when he had crossed the Terube castle wall to gain the rights to explore the Northland.  He was also the first one to find the Frozen Kingdom.

However, all his previous victories were the result of a spontaneous battles.  At the time, the Northland Exploration team of the Big Smiles weren’t part of the main force.  Killer Sinclair was part of the main force, but he had been ambushed by the Hahoe Mask after fighting a fierce battle with the Second Head Sohank.  So this event hadn’t been taken seriously.

What about the most recent event?

The Hahoe Mask had gone after the heart of the Big Smiles guild.  The Big Smiles guild had gathered most of their elite Users, and they had even set up their own stage.  They had used a bait to lure the Hahoe Mask, and they had had put their best foot forward in this attempt.

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