Chapter 18 : A Nail in a Pocket (2).

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One goal of Warlord players is getting a nickname. In Warlord, a nickname was a definite proof of one’s popularity. At the same time, players wanted good, cool nicknames. At the very least, no one would start out wanting an eerie nickname like Hero Slaughterer.

Of course, Hyrkan’s Hero Slaughterer nickname did not originate with good intent.


Hyrkan’s fights were ruthless.

In a way, all fights in Warlord were ruthless. With bloody fights being the norm, it would be strange if fights weren’t called ruthless. At the same time, fights between players had a bit of beauty in them. This beauty originated from the clash of different magic and skills rather than simple hand-to-hand combats.

But Hyrkan’s fights was more of a one-sided massacre than a banquet of magic and skills. This meant that his fights were efficient and overwhelming, but at the same time, it meant he would be hopelessly beaten whenever he was on the losing end. A fight between evenly skilled players could be called a sport, but when the difference in their skill was big, it would just be a one-sided massacre.

But this was Hyrkan’s charm. It was why a latecomer like Hyrkan could make a name for himself. At the same time, it was something Hyrkan had to do to survive as a latecomer. As he couldn’t match up in terms of items, levels, stats, skills, or titles, he had to pursue extreme efficiency in all his fights. It was fine if it looked good on its own, but he had no room to stage a cool fight.

It was when Hyrkan was betrayed by his Hahoe Mask guild and declared war on the Stormhunter Guild that his fighting style became more cruel and desperate. To fight against the world by himself, Hyrkan had no choice but to become the most ferocious animal.

After he had lost everything, Hyrkan was left with nothing but bitterness. It was truly unlucky for the Ralph Family to become the first scapegoat of such for Hyrkan.

And this truly unlucky day was currently in progress.

Stab… stab…!

Hyrkan’s stabbing did not stop. He would only do so after his opponent ceased breathing. In the end, about a minute had passed since Hyrkan had captured Haybola before the stabbing finally stopped.

Haybola was now in the game over state. Haybola in the real world would have noticed this as well. If he wasn’t so perverted as to enjoy being killed while he couldn’t move, see, or struggle, he should have force logged out a long time ago. He wouldn’t be playing Warlord with the money that it requires just to enjoy something like it.

And in this situation where their comrade was being killed, the Ralph Family’s two remaining members couldn’t carelessly move.

‘What do we do?’

The priest couldn’t do anything as his class wasn’t for fighting. In the end, it was up to the swordsman, Jaiyu.

Currently, however, Jaiyu couldn’t move easily because of the Skeleton Warrior blocking his path. He had already attacked a few times, but the Skeleton Warrior easily dodged all of his attacks. With the Skeleton Warrior showing completely different movements than the monsters he had faced so far, Jaiyu couldn’t choose to forcefully attack. If he had the courage, he would already have done so.

Of course, the biggest reason was Hyrkan’s ruthlessness. What seemed like a tasty fish at first turned out to be a great white shark. Plus, Jaiyu was currently in the ocean, being stared at by that very shark. As the Ralph Family would never have had the chance to face fear like this, it was only obvious that their legs would go stiff.

Hyrkan could clearly tell what state they were in.

‘I’m still weaker in terms of pure power.’

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