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"Are you ready to go, m'lady?"

"I am, my dear sir."

"Well, onward to the venue we go!"

"You're an idiot."

"But you and your brother love me."


*While Ophelia was getting ready.*

Soleil and Reid were bustling around the giant garden that was located behind the castle trying to set up everything for the date later. After about fifteen (15) minutes had passed, he was called inside to cook their dinner.

Ivan, Elias, Benjamin, Nova and Kodiak switched places with him to help speed up the process of everything.

They had moments where one (1) of them had to stand on the shoulders of the other to reach a particularly high spot and they were too lazy to grab a ladder.

It certainly was a fun task to do and none of them complained as the heat of the dying sun caused them all toe perspire.
The group was happy to assist in making sure that the new lovebirds' date night went flawless.

Once the garden was finished and everything was in place, they all went inside to see how the dinner preparations were being handled.

They knew that Reece was in charge of making the dessert and that was a godsend for the blonde man as he could not bake for the life of him.

Everything was going according to plan and before any of them knew it, the blonde had only a few minutes to get ready, which he managed to get done.

He was dressed in a pair of black dress slacks, an Olympic blue button-up and his signature combat boots.

He could not bring himself to have to wear oxfords or some other kind of formal footwear again as to him it was extremely uncomfortable.

He had on all of his silver rings, his thin Cuban link chain rested around his neck and all of his piercings had been cleaned to filth.

Now all Soleil had to do was go into the garden to wait by the dinner table while Reid came and escorted his lovely date to their decorated venue.

*Present Time*

Now it was time for his date to arrive and all he could think about was how he hoped she liked it and how hard his heart was hammering against his chest.

He heard the pair before they rounded the corner and once they did, he felt as if he was staring at an angel.

All he could think about was how she took his breath away every time he saw her. The young man was so gone for her and it showed all over his face.

The same could be said for the Hispanic woman because she was definitely in the same boat.

Ophelia finally turned her attention away from Reid and took in her surroundings, letting out a loud gasp at the beauty of it.

The stars were already out, along with the full moon, illuminating the night sky and creating the most breathtaking view.

Casting her gaze over to the trees, she saw that they had cool white glittering fairy lights strung up from the branches.

There were pastel blue, orange and purple lanterns hanging from the lower branches to cast a little bit more light onto the garden below.

The large outdoor pool had fake lilypads with or without flowers on top of them, floating on the water and the lights were changed to a lavender glow.

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