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"Let us help you...."

"You like Soleil."

"You have a crush on the Irishman."


For the past few days, all Soleil could think about was how he was going to ask Ophelia to teach him and how to get her to agree.

The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel pressured to help, but he also did not want to be taught by anyone else.

It had been dead end after dead end and it was driving him absolutely mad. Not to mention, Cillian still had barely any news for him on what had happened to the Diaz parents, it had proven to be a lot more difficult than they had foreseen.

Sighing, the blonde man slammed his head down onto the long wooden table in the conference room and groaned out loud, everything was falling stagnant.
The sound of the door being pushed open had his head flying up and staring at Ivan.

"What do you want."

"Damn, that's cold! Are you seriously still angry with me? It's been over a week nowwww!"

He rolled his grey orbs into his head as he listened to his friend stomp his foot like a damn toddler, sometimes he could not believe that this man was twenty-seven (27) years old.
Most of the time, it felt as if the older man was actually five (5).

Shaking his head, he ignored his guest and turned his attention back to his laptop screen as he was looking at tuxedos before he forgot to get one (1) for Dinah's wedding.

He had so many things he needed to get done that he had nearly brushed passed it.

A hand soon fell onto his sagged shoulder and he looked up to see the noirette staring at him with a concerned expression.

Ivan dragged a chair from the side of the table and placed it next to his friend, taking a seat almost immediately.

"What's wrong? There have been very few times I have seen you so upset."

"Dinah informed me that they planned to have ice skating at the reception and you know damn well I do not know a single fuck about that. So, I had been thinking about asking Lia, however, I'm not sure she'll even agree nor do I know how to ask her."

"Dude, just ask her. Even though she's terrified of the rest of us, besides Elias, Benjamin and of course Reece, a blind man could tell that she isn't as scared of you. I hate to admit it but you're the only person she seems to relax, albeit only slightly when you're near her. So, ask her and she's more than likely going to agree."

Soleil gave his friend a gentle smile and quietly thanked him. It warmed his heart to know that she was somewhat fonder of his presence than he had initially thought.
Immediately, the gears and cogs in his mind started moving to formulate a plan.

He spent the rest of the day focusing on sorting out the finances for Seraphina because his two (2) weeks of working there were almost up.

The main reason for dedicating all of his time to the paperwork was because he wanted to have all his focus on Ophelia and their parents.

Putting down his pen onto the closed file, the Irishman ran his hand through his blonde locks and cracked his neck before letting out a tired groan.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the clock and his grey eyes widened as he saw the clock read a quarter to eleven at night (10:45 PM).

Rubbing his hands over his face, he tried to rub as much of the sleep out of his eyes and started to gather his things to put them in his briefcase.

Once he was done packing up, he made his way out of the room and up to his bedroom.

Resting his case in another one of the secret safe's that was hidden within the room, the young man removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

Throwing them into his hamper, he quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothing and rested his phone on the bathroom counter.

Soleil turned on the taps for the tub and adjusted them to get the right temperature for the water.

As he waited for the bath to heat up, he shuffled through the hotel's complimentary bath products before deciding he'd use a rose bath milk because he liked the smell.

Cutting off the water flow, he poured in the bottle as it was a single-use and mixed it into the water with his hand. The blonde man took a moment to just allow the rose scent to brush over his senses and relax him.

Sliding into the warm water, he released a loud content sigh and leaned his head against the back of the tub.

Closing his eyes, he just floated in the milk bath and let his mind wander. His first (1st) thought was always Ophelia and how much he missed her presence.

Slowly it drifted from that to the plan that he had concocted to ask her because he wanted to show her that he wanted her and only her to teach him.

Phase one (1) of the plan started tomorrow morning, where he would send her a bouquet of her favourite flowers which were lily of the valley.

The next day, the Irishman would send her a trilogy of cookbooks that she had been raving about wanting to get for weeks.

He may or may not have asked Astrid and Nova to let him know what as something she really wanted.

On the final day before he'd be returning to the club, he decided to get her a custom made apron and chef's hat with her name.
Along with that, the smock would have a cute commissioned design of a teddy bear because of Reece's nickname.

Then when he got back to The Odin's Riders castle, he would sit her down over some food and ask her about his situation.

He hoped that all of this would be enough for her to realise that he not only wanted her to help him but that he cared about her as well.

However, there was another worry on his mind. He was scared that it would come across too strong and reveal his true feelings for her which would actually make her more terrified of him that before.

"Fuck this is complicated. I'll go through with it and I fucking hope it works out the way I want it to, or else I'm gonna dig my grave."

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