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"I know right."

"Can-Can we do it again?"

"Fucking duh, Lia."

The next few hours had been spent with the newly confessed love-birds making out and relaxing in bed, exploring one another's bodies.

Now it was dinner time and even though, they were technically 'a couple', they opted not to announce anything yet.

The reason behind this decision was that Soleil wanted to ask her properly and then they could go about telling their family.
Now, it was once again a nervous moment for him to work up the nerve to ask her out on a date.

He knew he was being ridiculous considering she confessed her feelings for him and everything that took place after that was a massive testament to it.

It was still nerve-wracking, the last time he could remember doing something like this was probably when he was seventeen (17) years old.

It feels even scarier than it did eight (8) years ago and he had a feeling it was because of how strongly he felt for the woman who was pressed up against him right now.

The blonde knew he loved her and that he hoped this could go on forever, so why not make the start now.



"Would you do me the honour of allowing me to take you out on a date in a couple (2) of days?"

He chuckled as he watched her head fly up to meet his gaze and see the amount of excitement that was spreading across her face.


"Haha, awesome."

After a quick peck on the lips, the pair settled back under the covers and continued watching the tv-show that was currently playing.

*The Day Of Soleil and Ophelia's Date.*

It turned out to be a very hectic day for the club's kitchen staff as one of their thralls requested a bunch of baked goods for his daughter's birthday party.
This meant that Ophelia was up to her elbows in dough, sugar and icing.

Had it not been for the rest of the workers, she would have started to panic that she would not have enough time to go get ready for her date.
Thankfully, he told her to be ready for quarter to eight (7:45 PM) and to get somewhat formal.

She had already called and booked a hair appointment with Lyra to do her hair at six o'clock (6:00 PM).

Astrid and Zia were meeting her there so that she could just get herself ready there, instead of having to go all the way back to the castle to her bedroom.

Time flew by relatively fast and before she could blink, her shift was over. Reece helped disrobe from her chef's smock and watched as his little sister flew past everyone to the front door.

He watched and made sure she was out of his line of sight, before whipping out his phone to text Reid.

('Hottie' is Reid and 'My Baby' is Reece)

My Baby: Target has left the rendezvous.

Hottie: Baby, you're not a real spy. Anyways, we're on our way to the place.

My Baby: You're no fun, babe.

Hottie: Yeah, yeah. Go start on your part of the plan.

My Baby: Fine, I'm going now, love you.

Hottie: Good boy, love you too.

Over at the hair salon, it was bustling, no one sat still besides Ophelia, who was ordered to not move as the head stylist trimmed the ends of her long curls.

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