23: Karli x Vilkas (Falling in Love)

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Damn him. Damn him to Oblivion.

Over the course of the following months, Karli found herself falling hard in love for Vilkas.

One could've said she was crazy in love with the Nord warrior.

And the very thought scared her to no end.

Everyone she knew, both in the Companions and in the Thieve's Guild, seemed to know of her feelings for Vilkas, except for Vilkas himself of course.

"You could've done a lot worse, ya know..." Njada said, while her and Karli were in the Bannered Mare one night.

"Shut up." Karli muttered, taking a sip of wine.

"I mean it. Well, Jason's untouchable, since his girlfriend is in the Dark Brotherhood. And Farkas has been seen talking to that Roxara girl. And I know you wouldn't touch Torvar and Athis with a ten foot pole." Njada continued, grinning.

"Are we talking about the new girl's love life?" Ria asked, walking over and ordering a tankard of ale from Hulda.

"I'm not exactly new anymore." Karli snapped, feeling her face burning.

"Oh that's right. Ever since you and Vilkas took care of that necromancer you've been an official member of the Companions." Njada grinned to Ria, who giggled.

"I heard Jason say he might consider allowing you to join the Circle." Ria added.

"Me? Join the Circle?" Karli went wide eyed. "But... I'm not even that good of a warrior!"

"Vilkas suggested it initially." Ria explained, taking a long pull from her tankard. "That man is in love with you too... I can see it in his eyes."

"He rarely goes on jobs with the rest of us." Njada snickered. "Karli and Vilkas... has a nice ring to it."

"Would you two shut it?!" Karli hissed.

"Ria, I think we're getting to her." Njada said, making Ria snort.

"Ah, to be in love." Ria sighed.

Karli only said nothing, setting her empty glass to the side and standing up. "I need some air." She said finally, slapping some coins on the table for Hulda, before she walked out.

It was a cool and crisp night, and for once Karli didn't mind how cold the air was.

Love... she really couldn't shake the feelings for Vilkas away.

Lost in thought, Karli hadn't realized that someone was following her.

Whipping around, she noticed two men, wearing fur armor, both of them having silver swords at their sides.

"Silver-Hand." She whispered to herself.

"That's right, girly." The one on the left said, sneering.

"And we overheard your little friends talking. You're a Companion, aren't ya? They're gonna make you a beastie." The other one added.

"A... a what?" Karli narrowed her eyes.

"Oh don't play dumb. We heard that you're set to join the Circle." "You're gonna be a filthy beast, just like your leader and his lackeys. It's a shame that archer was killed by the Dark Brotherhood before we could get to her."

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about! Now if you'd please. I'd like to get home." Karli snapped, backing away slowly.

All too suddenly, the men rounded on her; one of them was now behind her, both of her hands caught in his grip, while the other held a blade to her neck.

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