35: Rosalind x Marcurio (Family Life)

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True to their word, after the civil war was finally ended, Rosalind bought Proudspire Manor in Solitude.

A few days after, Marcurio suggested they adopt a child, and so they took in the boy who worked at Katla's Farm, Blaise.

Now, a month later, they were living their best life.

Well, almost...

"Are you okay, my love?" Marcurio asked, noticing how sick Rosalind looked.

"I feel horrible. I've been throwing up every morning for three days, plus I feel like I've gained weight. My armor doesn't fit me anymore." Rosalind replied, sitting down at the table with her head in her hands.

"You're not sick, are you Ma?" Blaise asked, looking extremely worried.

"Oh Talos, I hope not." Rosalind shot up, a look of worry on her face. "Let's all go to the Temple of the Divines, then."

"Are you sure you want Blaise with us if you're sick?" Marcurio questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It's okay, Ma!" Blaise said, standing up. "I can stay home and clean up a little bit!"

"Then it's settled. Blaise can do some chores, and you and I can go to the Temple of the Divines." Marcurio said, also standing up. Rosalind followed suit a few seconds later.

So, as Blaise started his chores, Marcurio and Rosalind walked hand-in-hand out of the house and towards the Temple of the Divines.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Rorlund asked, as Rosalind and Marcurio sat in the pews.

"For the past few days I've been throwing up. Not to mention I feel like I've gained some weight." Rosalind explained, while Marcurio held her hand.

"Hmm... I think I might know what's going on, but first I'll have to get Freir."

A few minutes later, Freir came walking over. And she had a grin on her face.

"Rosalind, dear, I think I know why you're so sick!" She said.

"What's wrong with me?" Rosalind asked, looking extremely worried.

"My dear girl, you're pregnant!" Freir exclaimed.

That got Rosalind to drop Marcurio's hand, and she immediately went wide eyed.

"I'm... I'm pregnant?" She whispered.

Both Freir and Rorlund walked away, so that they could give the couple their privacy.

"Are you alright?" Marcurio asked, placing his hand on Rosalind's shoulder.

"I don't know how to be a mom. Especially since my own disowned me..." Rosalind responded, beginning to panic. "Oh gods this kid is going to be messed up!"

She felt her panic subside, and she soon realized that Marcurio was using a Calm spell on her.

"Love, relax. You're not like your parents." He stated, turning Rosalind so she'd look at him. "You have me to help you. It's going to be alright. Our child won't be messed up, I can promise you that."

"How do we tell Blaise?" Rosalind asked.

"I can handle it, if you'd like." Marcurio gave Rosalind a smile, one that eased her nerves.

"Cmon, let's go tell him."


"Hi Ma! Hi Pa!" Blaise greeted, as the two walked back into the house.

"Blaise, honey, we need to talk to you. It's important." Rosalind said, holding onto Marcurio's hand. "Come sit with us."


So, the family sat together at the table, Rosalind holding her husband's hand tightly out of nervousness.

"Blaise, we have some news for you. And it may come as a shock, but we think you're old enough to handle this." Marcurio took a deep breath, before he finally said, "Your mother is pregnant. You're going to be a big brother!"

Blaise blinked a few times, and Rosalind could've sworn she could hear the gears in his head turning.

Then the biggest smile formed on his face. "Really?! I'm going to be a big brother?! That's awesome!! Is it a boy or a girl?! I wanna know!"

"Easy there, honey." Rosalind laughed, her nervousness fading away. "It's too early to tell."

Marcurio also laughed, putting his arm around Rosalind's shoulders. "Since this means your mother and I can't go adventuring for a while, I think this means we have to get started on a baby room."

"Can I help Pa? Please?" Blaise asked, giving both of them the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure! Why don't you go grab your shoes and you and I can head out into the market. See if we can find anything to start out with." Marcurio replied. "Your mother can get some much needed rest."

"Sure thing, Pa! Don't be such a slow poke!" Blaise immediately stood up, grabbing his shoes and running outside.

"Get some rest, love. Blaise and I will be fine." Marcurio said, giving Rosalind a quick kiss, before he too stood up.

"Don't get into trouble!" Rosalind called, as Marcurio went outside.

She smiled and shook her head, before going to take a much needed nap.

She really was lucky to have those boys in her life, wasn't she?

Rosalind may have been worried at first, but she still has Marcurio and Blaise to help her out.

Especially now that the family was going to grow, and Rosalind would need all the help she could get.

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