30: Duruk x Ysolda (Becoming Friends)

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True to his word, Duruk brought Ysolda a mammoth's tusk, looking a lot worse for wear, but still alive.

And from there, he began visiting her every time he was in Whiterun.

Ysolda didn't seem to mind; while stubborn, he was very good company.

And recently, he acquired new armor and weapons. A dwarven shield, elven mace, and strange ebony armor.

"Ah, Duruk, back from Riften already?" Ysolda asked one day where he came to visit her at her house.

"Just finished a job with the Guild. Brynjolf wanted me to intimidate some assholes into paying us what they owe. Easy enough for the Guild's bodyguard." Duruk replied, nonchalantly.

"Guild? You're a thief too?" Ysolda seemed shocked.

"Somewhat. I go along with my fellows sometimes, especially if the target in question is bull-headed." Duruk chuckled. "A little bit of flexing and knuckle cracking gets them paying their dues right away."

"That's... really fascinating."

Duruk soon sighed, taking a seat at the table across from Ysolda. "Sometimes I tire of being the muscle, though. I've taken to roaming the forests during the day, or forging new weapons when I'm visiting the city blacksmiths."

"Is it hard? Being away from your family?" Ysolda asked before she could stop herself.

The Orc across from her let out a sad chuckle. "I have no family left." He responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." Ysolda looked down.

Silence consumed them, until Duruk spoke up again.

"I had left my stronghold, you see. My father wanted me to be the next chief, but I didn't want that. So I left and became a mercenary. When I returned..." Duruk paused, clenching his fists.

"What happened?" Ysolda didn't like the way her new friend was clenching his fists.

"Everyone I knew, including my parents, were dead. I didn't find out why until recently. Evidently, while I was gone, my father had trouble with the Thalmor. They made an example of the whole stronghold and killed everyone." Duruk explained.

"Oh Duruk... I'm so sorry..." Ysolda whispered, putting her hand on top of Duruk's clenched fist.

Duruk sighed, and Ysolda figured he was fighting back tears. "It's why I don't like taking jobs for Balgruuf. He pretty much sided with the Empire. And the Empire endorses the Thalmor... or at least, they used to, until Emperor Garrett got the throne." He said softly.

Ysolda decided to open up herself. "My parents are gone, too. Before my ma and da passed, I promised them I'd become a great merchant one day."

Duruk looked up in surprise. "So... you're on your own too, huh?"

"I guess I am." Ysolda sighed.

Duruk immediately shook his head. "You still have me. I mean, I'm your friend, right?" He asked.

"Of course. You're the only one in this city who gets me." Ysolda replied.

Duruk managed a smile, before he sighed and stood up. "I better get to Jorvaskrr. Jason said him and Janny were trying to come up with a plan to take care of that bandit leader."

"The one who's been pillaging and raping nonstop? The one who attacked Rorikstead?" Ysolda seemed alarmed.

"Yes, that one. If anything, those two idiots will lead a small battalion to his camp." Duruk chuckled. "Should be a fun fight."

"Be careful!" Ysolda called, as he turned and walked out.

Three days later, Ysolda was in the market, when Duruk had come walking up to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I just... I needed to talk to you..." Duruk sighed heavily, before he began a lengthy speech; "I'm afraid we can't be seen together anymore. The Thalmor found out I'm the last survivor of that stronghold, and they're after me. I don't want to risk anyone dying for me, so I'm going to lead them off. This may end up being the last time I see you, if I don't return within a few weeks, I'm most likely dead."

"Duruk, I..." Ysolda started, but Duruk cut her off.

"No, it's fine... take this, so you can always remember me." Duruk took out a small thing wrapped in a cloth, before handing it to Ysolda.

Ysolda unwrapped it to find an amulet of Stendarr, and it looked like it had seen better days.

"That amulet gave me good luck in my days as a mercenary. I hope it brings you good luck as a merchant." Duruk said softly.

"Thank you." Ysolda whispered.

Duruk gave a sad smile, before he turned around, walking out of the city.

Leaving Ysolda confused, scared, worried, and angry...

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