9: Rosalind x Marcurio (First Meeting)

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Riften was a harsh city, full of thieves & corruption (thanks to a certain family), but the people made it work.

That was more than enough for a certain apprentice mage.

Marcurio spent most of his days sitting in the Bee n Barb, talking with the other patrons while he waited for someone to hire him once again.

"Someday, Marcurio, someday." Keerava had told him.

"I haven't had a job since the Dragonborn came through! And she seemed to be too afraid to fully use my help... something about her best friend dying in one of those Nordic tombs." Marcurio had replied.

It was true; the Dragonborn had spent all of her coin to hire Marcurio for some help on an expedition into an old Nordic tomb she was planning, but he couldn't walk two feet without her constantly using a healing spell on him. When he confronted her about it, she'd admitted she was scared he'd die on her like her best friend did, and she "didn't want anyone else to die for her."

They parted on good terms, of course. Marcurio headed back to Riften, and Janny had gone back to Winterhold. But that was a year ago now...

"Something is bound to come up, don't worry." Talen-Jei said to him, as a way of comforting him.

"For your sake, lizard, I hope you're right." Marcurio grumbled.

It just so happened, the very next day, things seemed to change.

Another adventurer had wandered into the Bee n Barb, head to toe in ebony armor, with an Orcish battleaxe strapped to their back.

The newcomer removed their helmet, revealing a young Imperial woman, not much older than the Dragonborn would be now (Marcurio figured Janny must've been 20 by now), with dark hair pulled back in a curious hairstyle.

Green war paint was plastered around her light gray-white eyes, and Marcurio saw several nasty scars on her chin and cheek.

Needless to say, he was intimidated by this Imperial woman with her heavy armor and scarred face.

When he heard her asking Keerava about some of the old Nordic ruins around the Rift, Marcurio saw the chance.

"If you're heading into those ruins, you may just need a talented mage at your side!" He boasted, puffing out his chest.

The mystery woman simply stared, before she had scoffed. "Not with that arrogance. I can handle it myself." She said coolly, still holding her helmet in one hand.

"You sure? I can burn those undead pests to a crisp in no time!" Marcurio continued, though with a hint of venom laced in his words.

"Number one, I don't care for your boasting. And number two, I'm positive I don't need your help. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Angarvunde."

With that, the mysterious woman left.

Leaving Marcurio feeling dumb, especially since Keerava was now yelling at him about how he chased away a potential customer.


Two days later, the Imperial woman had returned, with the Dragonborn of all people at her side. And now she had an ebony battleaxe strapped to her back.

"I'm just saying, Rosalind! He might be good!" She was saying, but her companion only scoffed as she removed her helmet.

"I hate when people boast."

Marcurio laughed at that, causing the two women to look over at him.

"Marcurio! Still struggling to pay for your drinks?" Janny jested, while the woman - Rosalind, Marcurio now knew - just rolled her eyes.

"Ahaha, you know me well, Dragonborn. I see you've met that feisty mercenary." Marcurio gave Rosalind a scathing look.

"For your information, I met her back in Winterhold a few months ago. She's getting me in with the Thieve's Guild and eventually the Stormcloaks." Rosalind shot back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Regardless, we crossed paths at Angarvunde, I helped her clear out those ruins, and now I've found another ruin without a word wall." Janny had a shit-eating grin on her face, one that Marcurio didn't like. "Rather than waste my time with it, I figured I'd convince the nega-Imperial to take a certain apprentice mage with her..."

"Only if she can afford the price. Five hundred gold." Marcurio said, standing up slowly.

Rosalind seemed to groan, before she took out a coin purse and tossed it at him. "Fine. You're hired. We leave at midnight." She grumbled.

"Aw! Look at you two! About to head off on an adventure!" Janny laughed, before composing herself. "Anyway, I'm off to visit Brynjolf. You two have fun!"

Marcurio and Rosalind watched as the younger female left the Inn, before Rosalind turned on Marcurio.

"I'm warning you now, mage, any funny business and you'll be getting acquainted with my axe." She snapped.

"If you say so." Marcurio snarked back, a smirk forming on his face.

Rosalind glared at him, before she slapped some coins on the bar and asked for a room from Keerava.

"She wasn't like that with the other citizens. In fact, she was rather helpful." Talen said, while Keerava had went to show Rosalind to her room.

"That doesn't surprise me. Maybe her opinion of me will change once we go on a few adventures together." Marcurio shrugged.

Although, judging by Rosalind's attitude, he'd be lucky if he ever saw the light of day again.

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