36: Arryn x Brelyna (Family Life)

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After the many simultaneous wars ended (and Arryn returned home to Brelyna after helping the Dragonborn end them), they finally settled down in their little Markarth home.

They even adopted a child from Honorhall, a boy named Samuel.

And there was no doubt that he was well loved by his two mothers.

"Samuel! Arryn! Lunch!" Brelyna called, while standing at the cooking pot and finishing up her stew.

Samuel came running in first; he had war paint smeared on his face, just like Arryn's.

"What the- Samuel, why do you have war paint on your face?!" Brelyna demanded.

As if on cue, Arryn had finally arrived, and she had war paint covering her hands. She looked extremely sheepish.

"Sammy wanted to wear war paint like me and, well... I couldn't say no! He gave me the sad eyes!" Arryn protested.

"Now I look like Ma!" Samuel added, puffing out his chest like Arryn would.

Brelyna shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose and sighing. "Both of you, wash up. Please."

"Aww." Samuel walked away to wash his war paint off, while Arryn pouted.

"We were just having fun, bumblebee." Arryn mumbled, before she got an idea and walked closer to Brelyna.

"Oh no... I know that look. You are not—" Brelyna was cut off by Arryn cupping her face with her paint covered hands, smudging it all over her face. "Arryn!"

"Love you!" Arryn kissed Brelyna on the nose, before removing her hands and going to wash up.

Brelyna shook her head as Samuel walked back over. "Remind me to get back at your mother, Samuel."

"Haha! You two kissed! Now you both have cooties!" Samuel exclaimed.

"Hush, lunch is almost ready."

Samuel sat down at their little table, and before long, Arryn had returned, also sitting at the table.

"What'd you make that smells so good?" Arryn asked, leaning forward in her chair.

Brelyna brought over three bowls of stew, setting two of them in front of Samuel and Arryn before going and grabbing some freshly cut bread and finally sitting down with them.

"I figured we could have bread and beef stew for lunch." Brelyna responded, grabbing a spoon.

"Yay! I love beef stew!" Samuel began eating immediately, while Arryn did the same.

"It's delicious. As usual." "Thanks, my love."


Later, the family was sitting in front of the fire, and Arryn was telling Samuel (again) the story of how a great evil was vanquished.

"Then Embry brought together the four relics, and with the power of the Brother Gods, he banished Salem for all eternity, sacrificing his life in the process." Arryn continued, as Samuel was listening very closely. "Janny, though she was dying herself, cried and prayed for any of the Gods to help. And so her mother arrived with Hades, saying that Embry deserved to live a long life, and together the two brought him back to life. After, we all celebrated, having finally saved the entire world."

"I love the ending of that story, Ma!" Samuel exclaimed, yawning. "Do you think I could be a hero like Embry one day?" He asked.

"Maybe someday, Sammy." Arryn herself also yawned. "I think it's time for bed."

"Aww, come on, just a few more minutes, please?" Samuel asked.

"Samuel..." Brelyna warned.

"Yes, Ma." Samuel pretended to groan, but he got up and started for his room.

Arryn, meanwhile, also stood up, stretching out. "I wonder if he'll ever get tired of hearing that story." She mumbled.

"Probably not until he gets older." Brelyna said, as the two started for Samuel's room so they could say goodnight to him. "It's remarkable how Janny even managed to survive all that. And the rest of her army, for that matter."

"This may sound weird, coming from me, but... I think the Nine were with us that day." "Wow, for someone who doesn't believe in the Nine, that's shocking."

Finally, the two made it to Samuel's room, who was already under the covers.

"Goodnight, Sammy." Arryn went over and kissed Samuel's forehead, while Brelyna did the same.

"Night! You two are the best mothers ever." Samuel yawned, before he started snoring.

Brelyna and Arryn then tiptoed out of the room, and into their own room, where they promptly fell asleep as soon as they hit the covers.

With Arryn having helped to stop a war, Samuel had someone to look up to.

And with her plus Brelyna, he had a loving family. Something worth fighting for.

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