27: Roxara x Farkas (Falling in Love)

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Of course, it had to finally happen.

Within the course of the months that she had been visiting Farkas, Roxara had fallen hard in love with him.

Although, realistically she had fallen for him the moment she laid eyes on him.

She just didn't acknowledge her feelings until now.

"Oh I knew you'd come to terms with your feelings eventually!" Kelly, also known as the Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold, squealed with delight.

"Shut up." Roxara mumbled, groaning.

She regretted telling the excitable Kelly about her feelings for Farkas; Kelly was a known hopeless romantic, her even being involved with a man named Cullen.

"Farkas is a good guy! I remember Jason tried setting Janny up with him once, but we all know who she ended up with." Kelly looked away from Roxara and at her violet haired sister, who was standing a few feet away with a certain ginger thief.

"That's no surprise. Brynjolf seems to like em crazy." Roxara laughed, causing Kelly to laugh along with her.

"Try growing up with that." Kelly soon looked back at Roxara. "But you have a type too. You seem to like the big beefy warriors."

"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" Roxara said sarcastically.

"Cullen isn't a Companion though! He's a commander!" Kelly sighed dreamily. "Look, if you want to get with Farkas, all you have to do is show him how you feel. I mean, the guy is pretty dumb."

"He's not that dumb!" Roxara scoffed, facepalming. "So do I act subtle or...?"

"You have to be pretty outward. From my experience with him, Farkas seems to react to direct flirtation. If you try to act subtle, it'll go right over his head." Kelly explained, clasping her hands together. "Same goes for if and when you two go all the way."

"Go all the way...?" Roxara immediately blushed bright red. "And here I thought Janny was the dirty minded one!"

"My point is..." Kelly took one of Roxara's hands in hers. "Farkas needs to know as soon as possible. He has plenty of other girls who want him, I've seen it."

"Then what makes you think I have a chance?" Roxara huffed, looking away.

"Because he doesn't pay any attention to them! He pays more attention to you!" Kelly exclaimed, grabbing Roxara by her shoulders and shaking her. "Now get your Nightingale ass back to Whiterun and confess your feelings or by Talos I'll do it for you!"

"Alright! Alright!" Roxara huffed, fixing her hair after Kelly let her go. "By Sithis, I thought Cicero was bad."

Roxara only hoped that Farkas returned her feelings...

It took a few days, but Roxara finally reached Whiterun.

She noticed the guards still stared at her suspiciously; of course, they would. She was wearing her new Nightingale armor.

"No lollygaggin'." One guard said to her.

"Shut up, I'm on my way to Jorvaskrr. Have you seen Farkas?" She asked.

That seemed to get the guard to shut up. "Farkas? The big dumb guy? Last I saw, he was at the Bannered Mare." He said.

"Thanks." Roxara handed a few gold coins to the guard, before she made her way to the Bannered Mare.

When inside, she found Farkas sitting by the bar, while Saadia was flirting with him. He seemed especially uncomfortable, too.

That set her off.

"Excuse me? I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt with him. He's clearly uncomfortable." She said, her hand on her dagger, just in case.

"What are you? His girlfriend?" Saadia asked sarcastically, also having her hand on her dagger.

"I may as well be. Get the hell away from him, Saadia. Or should I say Iman?" Roxara grinned at the scared look on Saadia's face.

"How did you know—" "I'm not stupid. I know you're the one the Alik'r are looking for. Now I'd suggest you back off of Farkas or I'll go find them and tell them where you are."

With a scowl, Saadia left the room, probably to go stew or something.

"Thanks." Farkas said, as Roxara sat down beside him.

Roxara didn't say anything; she just looped her arm through Farkas's, and nuzzled into his shoulder, causing Hulda to laugh.

"Uhhh... you okay?" Farkas asked, clearly confused.

"I'll leave you two to it." Hulda winked, before she walked away to start cleaning something.

"I need to tell you something." Roxara said finally, now looking up at Farkas.

"Uhh alright. What is it?" Farkas seemed genuinely confused.

Roxara didn't say anything again; she just leaned in and pecked Farkas on the lips.

"Oh. Oh I see." Farkas said, having a grin on his face.

"I love you. More than I should." Roxara confessed, looking away. "It's almost wrong. You're a Companion. I'm a mage. People will talk."

She was surprised to feel Farkas tilt her head back towards him; he was staring right into her eyes.

"Let them talk." He said, before he kissed her roughly.

Roxara let out a small whimper, kissing Farkas back and putting her other hand on his shoulder.

The two made out right there in the middle of the tavern for a few minutes, before Farkas broke away first.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He breathed out. Roxara immediately realized the effect she was having on him, and she realized she absolutely loved it.

Then, he looked at Hulda, slapping some coins on the bar. "Miss, we're gonna need a room." He said, before he stood up and picked Roxara up bridal style, causing her to squeal and giggle.

"Don't break anything!" Hulda called, as the two hurried up the stairs and shut the door.

The next morning, Roxara woke up feeling warm and fuzzy. It wasn't until she remembered the previous night that she realized Farkas was still beside her.

He, too, was awake. And he was looking at Roxara with a goody grin on his face.

"So I guess this means we should head to Riften sometime soon?" Farkas asked.

"Maybe. Not today though. We have a lot of catching up to do." Roxara replied. "This means you're in love with me too?"

"Won't lie, I am." Farkas grinned, moving closer. "And you?"

"Won't lie, I am." Roxara whispered, before Farkas closed the gap between them.

They ended up waiting a few days to go to Riften anyways... Roxara had a hard time walking by the time they were done with their antics.

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