32: Duruk x Ysolda (Married Life)

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Life became much more normal for Duruk and Ysolda after they got married.

Before the wedding, Duruk had decided to change his look, going with new war paint and since he had previously grew out his hair, he put his hair in a braided ponytail, and he grew out his beard slightly as well.

"You still look handsome to me, love." Ysolda had said, causing Duruk to grow bashful about the change.

The two settled down in Ysolda's home, with Duruk continuing to do jobs for both the Companions and the Thieve's Guild, though he didn't go very far from home.

All in all, life was perfect.


One day, Duruk came home, looking extremely disgruntled.

"You look upset. What's wrong, love?" Ysolda asked him.

"Vilkas's girl is pregnant." Duruk explained, taking off his helmet. "Same with Farkas's girl. Not to mention, Vilkas and his girl were in Riften adopting one of the orphans."

"Why are you upset about that?" Ysolda asked.

"Because I want that, dear. I want a family!" Duruk blurted out.

Silence consumed the two, until Ysolda started laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" Duruk asked.

"You. If you wanted a family so bad, you could've just said something." Ysolda responded in a teasing tone.

"I didn't know if you wanted a family, dear."

Ysolda sighed, getting up and walking over to hug Duruk.

"I know we've talked about having a family. And I know you're afraid because of the war going on right now. But just know that no matter what happens, you'll still have me and our future children." She said softly.

Duruk put both of his arms around Ysolda, hugging her back and resting his chin on top of her head. "But if I'm not here to protect you..."

"Nothing is going to happen. I can promise you that." Ysolda leaned up to kiss Duruk's cheek. "Let's adopt one, and go from there."

"I'm so lucky to have you." "And I'm lucky to have you, Duruk."

Some may raise their eyebrows at an Orc warrior and a Nord merchant getting together.

But for Duruk and Ysolda, they made things work.

And certainly, with the promise of a family, life may become even more normal for the warrior and the merchant.

Even with the threat of dragons and war on their doorstep, nothing will stop them from achieving their dreams of a proper family.

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