Chapter 34

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Monty POV

"Hello?" I sat up and answered the phone.

I heard screaming and yelling. Glass shattering.

"Daddy can you come and get me." Ki'lani whispered. "Javon is at his grandma's house. I was gonna just walk around til morning til they usually are done but he won't let me out my room."

I pulled up my shorts and slide on my slides.

"I'm on my way to you now."

"I'll meet you outta front, thank you so much dad."

"Stay on the phone."

I hear something else break. She started moving around.

"How was school today?"

"It's was good. Me and Javon went on a fieldtrip to Washington DC to see the building and stuff with our class and we looked at the White House which they all look the looked plain and boring. But we learned about the senates office and the House of Representatives and we went in this huge court room and all the people were scared of us cause we were black." She laughed softly.

His hollering got louder and something banged against a wall. They really be going at it.

"All your stuff for your room came today." I tried to kept her attention on me.

I never thought I would regret moving in to the suburbs because it's so far away from her.

I hear her mom yelling.

"Oh no." I heard her sniffle.

"Hey huh look make sure you get your school clothes and some other clothes
And pj for a couple nights."

"Okay." She spoke softly.

"We gotta go shopping for my house today and your birthday in 2 days. Does everyone know what they are doing or wearing?"

"We wanted to have a girls day including my bestfriend javon. Everyone is still a little all over the place because my other best friend Trish go killed last year today."

"What happened?"

"Her mom was on drugs and they killed her to pay for moms debt. It's slot of stories going around but we know what's going on because we were on a house party call when she was killed. It was horrible." I sighed.

Growing i up in the hood you go through a lot of shit and you see even more shit. It is so crazy. PTSD is real and effects you in plenty different ways.

I pulled up and she was sitting on the curb with 2 duffel bags wit Track cliques strapped on her book bag.

Keeping her out her own mind was the only important to me right now.

"Hey dad." I hugged her and she cried. "It's not that I am scared or anything I am just stressed out." I nodded.

"Talk to me." I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I don't understand why I worry more about her than she worries about me. I feel like she is holding me back. She didn't want me to find you to actually love you guys like I do she just wanted money and I just ask her please don't ask them for money they do lots of stuff for me and they love me and that's is a problem. She hates that I love momma B. I told her if I can't call momma B mom then I won't call him dad and she was so angry and it's just all stressful and I don't like her I really don't and he is getting annoying and creeper by the day and it's making me nervous."

"You not going back." I let her go and wiped her face. "I am going to make sure you are safe okay." She nodded.

That environment is going to have her thinking that shit is okay and it's not. I will kill a nigga whether she wants it to happen or not before I let her stay in a abusive relationship. What kind of man would I be.

I drove home carefully now that she was in the car and she instantly fell asleep.

I carried her in the house and laid her in the bed with Bianca. B woke up and look at her and her kissed her head and wrapped her arm around her.

I went and check on ry'mell and Kam.

I went on the couch and went to sleep.


Bianca POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom and I heard Monty's keys and got excited.

"Y'all was fighting so she called me. I am not understanding like I am her dad her father. You don't really give a fuck about what she got going on. Had her up at 3 cause y'all was fighting fuck is wrong with your bitch ass nigga. He trapping her in rooms. Well she still could hear y'all so did it matter?... exactly. Miss me with the bullshit. I am not taking y'all to court but she is staying here. End of discussion. Your nigga a bitch. Why he talking? I will come kill his ass right now. Bet I am on my way." he grabbed his keys and I grabbed him.

"Nope." I took his keys. "You not doing that." He stared at me and I stared Him.

I took his phone and hung up.

"Baby that is still her mom and you have to respect that. She is staying here and we will have to take caution because her mom is literally bored and bitter." He sighed and I kissed him. "What happened?"

"She called me like 2 and all you could hear was chaos and shattering and she was just asking me to come get her because they were fight and he locked her in a room and Javon wasn't home. So I had to drive there and then she talking about he is getting creeper like what the fuck type freak shit he got going on."

"Chile... we got her now and she is good over here. The furniture people set up her bed and stuff I can go in there and make it up for her. Then she can set everything up."

"Yeah that is cool." He kissed my neck.

"I need my morning dose of dick doe." He laughed.

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