Chapter 6

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Erica POV

Hey I know most of y'all don't like me from the past but I wanna apologize for my past behavior and I hope y'all can forgive and I heard all y'all insults about my body like I look like the alien from men in black and why my torso so long and my titties is lump sided and why my feet look- you know what nevermind....

I sat in Stevens house and packed all my things while he was out doing whatever and whoever

I had already packed up the kids things and Monty took them to his house because we have to stay there until next week when my new house is finished and I could not thank them enough.

"Where have you been?" I jumped at the sound of Steven's voice.

"Minding my business." I shrugged and continued packing.

"Erica you don't have to do this I am sorry." He sat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh miss me with that shit, are you kidding me?" I stop and looked at him. "Soon as I told you we need a break you stepped out with that bitch like y'all was supposed to be together like this bitch embarrassed our whole family like you are so fucking dumb."

"Erica you act like you never cheated before like stop acting like a saint." He scoffed. "You had twins with different dads." I sighed.

"Oh my gosh I honestly wish they were both Monty's like everytime you cheat on me you use that to tear me down. Okay I get it I made one mistake but even when I got pregnant we weren't together so shut the fuck up." He was taken back by my tone. "You are gonna use that to suck me back in everytime if I don't stop you now. You let a bitch bully me for months and you did not say shit but soon as I said something to her we argued for a whole week like boy you don't want or love me that is okay just don't do that or this." I shook my head.

"How are you gonna tell me who I don't love or want!" He snapped. "I am a grown ass man!"

"Oh please Steven our 11 year old son is more mature than you and you are 33 years older then him!" I waved him off. "He treats his girl with respect and all but he watches his dad yell at mommy and mistreat mommy and mommy gotta do better and show him that if he treats any female like that she will eventually leave! I can't have my kids thinking it's okay to be mistreated or to mistreat others!" I shrugged and he sighed.

"So you just gonna leave me when I need you the most." I nodded because i know this game he is tryna play. "You ain't never love me if you can just leave over some dumb bitch. She was just pussy!"

"No I actually like I loved you to much." I sighed. "I put up with you for 11 years and I am exhausted and I am tired of the hurt and pain that it takes to love you." I looked away from him.

"It's cool because you were just supposed to be a little bitch that I fucked when her mom was pissing me off and I so happened to get your hoe ass pregnant." I sighed.

He said this every time we get into a fight or argument about him cheating

"Okay are you done?" I asked softly "because if you are I-"

"No don't sit here and try to act like you weren't a rebound off your mom and a revenge plan like you getting beside yourself!" He paused and I started recording this conversation. "I wish I never even got you pregnant like I wanted you to have a miscarriage. You were never my type like don't get a bigger head then you already have. You looked fucked up and I want you to know nobody is gonna ever wanna be with you all you are is a piece of pussy and not a good one at that... You were just a little fast ass little girl that was ready to pop that pussy to everyone walking and you don't have anybody that like you in your family so I don't know where you think you going so you mind as well unpack and sit your dumbass back and relax matter fact go do what a wife is supposed do go clean up and cook!" He snapped.

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