Chapter 20

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Bianca POV

"Hey." I waved walking into the photoshoot.

"Hey Mrs. Davis." I smiled. "I am Hayley Peters the one you been communicating with."

"Oh yes it nice to finally meet you." I shook her hand. "I am so excited!"

"I am excited to see you at work." I nodded. "You can go to the back with the other girls. Your outfits have you name on them you can pick which ever one you want you can can choose off what everybody else is wearing." I nodded.

She walked me to the dressing room.

I walked in and everybody starred at me and I realized I was the only other plus size girl here.

The skinny girls started laughing and whispering and shit.

I dropped my bag.

"I can start with you." Some lady walked in front of me with a suitcase. "Hey I am Daja and I am the makeup artist." I nodded.

"Hey nice to meet you." I shook her hand.

"Yes I stan good skin." She cheered and I laughed.

"Hey I am Paige I am also a makeup artist." I nodded at her.

She was doing some girls make up. She was plus size to and she was short and she had a nice body.

"Dajai!" Some girl yelled. "I know you saw that all of us was here before her."

"It is Day jah not Jay." She snapped. "I saw y'all but y'all were talking."

"She is just hard to not notice that's all." Some girl laughed.

"You can see her from a mile away." They all laughed.

Don't beat this bitch up.

"Like they keep just add random fat asses like please we get it y'all are diverse stop pushing it." They laughed.

Don't beat these bitches up.

"But am I ugly though." I looked at them and they just stared at me. "Oh oh okay." I nodded my head.

"Your body makes you naturally ugly." the girl shrugged.

"My body looks way better then yours like y'all all are so small and not cute in any way like ugly faces and ugly personalities just fucking ugly." I cringe and gagged.

"Your man would think I was cute." I laughed.

"You know my man." I looked at her and she smiled.

"No but I am pretty sure your boyfriend would-

"Husband." I held up my left hand and the girl behind me snapped.

"Periodt!" She yelled.

"And girl my husband won't even stop to help your ugly ass if you fell." I snapped. "Keep playing with me I am gonna beat all y'all bitches up and y'all gone feel sick as fuck."

The girl behind me laughed.

"Now go back to whispering but because talking out loud gone get y'all beat the fuck up." I closed my eyes and let Daja do my make up.

I walked out to take my pictures and I as soon as I walk infront of the camera some lady ran up to me.

"Hey I am Ashley and I have to put baby oil on you." She laughed a little.

"Okay I am Bianca." She started rubbing and spray me down and ran of the scene. "Thank you!" I yelled.

"No problem." I nodded.

They started snapping pictures and giving me orders and directions

"Girl 2 please!" They yelled "can you just step off to the side.

I did what they ask.

And the quiet girl walked out and they did the same thing to her and called the next person.

She stepped beside me.

"Hey I am Bianca." I stuck my hand out and she shook it.

"Hey I Gabrielle I am sorry I didn't speak I was tryna figure out how and what to say." She laughed and I nodded. "I have social anxiety."

"I understand. You are really pretty." She smiled.

"Thank you same too you."

"Thank you." I shot her a smile. "Is today your first day?" I asked.

"No I been doing this for 2 years." she sighed. "I am happy to see another plus size girl here." I nodded.

"I know when I saw you I was like atleast it's another sexy BBW because ain't nobody gone buy this shit if they just got them ugly bitches modeling." She laughed

"They are so mean." She sighed. "I am not the type to be mean I just like being happy and positive anything negative drains me." She sighed

"I agree." She smiled.

"What are you girls talking about?" The girl from earlier walked over to us.

"How we gone beat you bitches up on the way out." She gasped and walked away. "Fake ass hoe I am gone punch that bitch for talking about my man." I shrugged.

"You are married right?" I nodded "That is cool. I am working on getting a husband now."

"You are fine as fuck and sweet and nice. You'll get a man soon." She smiled.

"Thank you I actually am building something with this guy. He makes me so happy and he is so cute and he is nice to me and did I say cute." We laughed.

"You deserve that because you are a good person and I can tell you like him by the way you talk to him." She nodded.

"Yeah we been talking for three weeks today and it really has been the best three weeks of my life." I nodded. "I am sorry if I am talking to much I am just talking so it won't get awkward because then-" She babbled.

"It's fine I am the same way once I get to know you." She laughed and nodded. "I understand the excitement because I do the same thing when people ask me about my husband."

"So tell me about him." She smiled at me.

"Well he is obviously the love of my life. We have three beautiful kids and he is just so fine and he is my everything. I met him in high school but it took us a while to actually get together and once we did, it was the best feeling ever. He makes me super happy and he is a great great great father to our kids and I just love everything about him. He is so supportive and he is such a all around great man and protector and I just love him so much." I smiled and love at her and she was in awe.

"I can feel that you love him so much." I nodded. "I am gonna cry because I am so happy for you and I know I just met you but girl." We laughed.

Claim Me *BWW love story*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz