Isn't that the bat theif?

688 11 0

Shadow: 20
Sonic: 19
Blaire: 18
Twitch: 19
Cavern: 19
Silver: 18
Rouge: 20
Shadow's POV

I would never admit this out loud to anyone... but Blaire got freaking scary as hell! Maybe we weren't the only ones that changed so much. She definitely seemed more confident and stronger than all those years ago. When I saw the twin wolves following us I realized that Silver wasn't with us. Meaning he was still in the kitchen... with my little sister. I instantly teleported back into the kitchen and Sonic ran back just as I appeared into the room. They were both just sitting at the island talking, but I could see that look in her eyes. Even if she didn't know it, I definitely knew that she liked him.

"Ahem." They both looked at us. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's time we went home."

"Already?!" Blaire said, teleporting in front of us with panic in her eyes. "But we've barely had any time to really catch up! You can't go yet! Why don't you guys stay the night?! We got the room! It'll be fun!"

"Whoa, chill out, Blaire..." Sonic said.

I looked at Sonic to see that he had the same wide eyed look on his face as me. Why was she getting so freaked out? Was she scared that we wouldn't come back? I looked back at Blaire to see tears welling up in her eyes and that broke me. I sighed and crossed my arms in defeat.

"Fine, we'll stay the night..." I grumbled. "At least let me get my stuff from my place first."

"Same here, I need a new set of clothes."

"Deal!" she smiled.

I smiled back and ruffled her fur in an affectionate gesture. She brushed my hand away and tried fixing her fur as I chuckled at her.

"We'll be back in an hour."

"Kay..." she said, still fixing her fur.

I smirked at her, then glared at Silver as I walked up to him. I grabbed him by the ear then teleported us all out after Sonic touched my shoulder.


I let go of his ear and crossed my arms with a menacing glare while Sonic also glared at him with his hands on his sides. Silver then looked up at us and flattened his ears down as he put his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Stay away from our sister." we said simultaneously.

"What did I do?!" he asked, clearly confused. "Also, how come you guys never told anybody that you two were brothers and had a sister?!"

"You can't tell anyone about that!" Sonic said seriously. "We have our reasons for keeping everyone in the dark, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone before we're ready."

"Alright, I won't. I guess I'll see you guys later, then."

He flew off while me and Sonic went to our houses to get a few things. I teleported inside my room and grabbed some clothes and a toothbrush from the bathroom, putting them into a gym bag. I was just about to leave when my roommate burst into the room with an exasperated look on her face.

"Where have you been, Shadow? Do I need to go find a body now? Why are you packing a bag? Are you going on the run?"

"God, Rouge, it's like you got even more annoying than when we were kids."

The white bat laughed as she danced over and sat on my bed with her legs crossed. I rolled my eyes as I finished packing up. She must've gotten annoyed with me ignoring her because I felt her grab the hood of my jacket and pull me away from my dresser. I growled and spun around, grabbing her wrist. She just smirked in response.

"Are you going to tell me~?"

I sighed as I released her, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. I debated whether or not I should tell her, but she was pretty much my only friend and I trusted her.

"Blaire's back..."

"Wait, as in your sister?" she asked, her face dropping the playful smirk. "The one everyone thought was dead? How? Is she okay?"

"She's fine, she just showed up today." I said, heading towards the door. "She moved into the old mansion outside of town and I'm going to stay with her along with Sonic."

"Well, I'm coming with!"

"What?!" I spun around. "Why the hell would you-"

"You don't remember how me and her started to bond before that day, do you?"


"When you were looking for her one day, I decided to go find her to help and when I did, we started talking. We kinda just clicked and found that we got along pretty well. Half the time she took off was to hang with me."

"Why am I only just now hearing of this?!"

"Because she started shutting me out two months before her disappearance too, Shadow! I didn't know anything either! What good would knowing that have done for your search?"

I sighed and took a breath to calm myself. She had a point, it wouldn't have done me much good when I was still looking for her. I guess I should just be glad she told me herself and that she had tried to help my little sister like that. I looked at my friend with a raised eyebrow.


"So, what?" she asked, confused.

"Are you coming, or not?"

She smiled and took my hand as I teleported us to the mansion. I saw as her eyes lit up while looking around the main hall. She started to wander and I grabbed the back of the collar of her leather jacket to stop her from stealing anything.


"Don't. Touch. Anything."

"I wasn't going to!"


My head snapped up towards the top of the stairs when I heard my little sister's excited voice. She was leaning over the railing with a huge smile on her face. She jumped over the railing as she teleported in front of us, then looked at Rouge with a confused look. Rouge turned to look at her, and both their faces lit up.

"Rouge!!" Blaire squealed as she hugged Rouge.

"Blaire!!" Rouge laughed, hugging her back.

"It's so good to see you!!"

"Same here, hun!!"

"Am I invisible now?" I asked.

"Hush, Shadow. The girls are speaking."

I rolled my eyes at Rouge. Blaire noticed it and giggled at me before nodding upstairs. I tilted my head in confusion and she sighed, breaking her hug with Rouge.

"I figured you'd want the third room on the right. It just seemed like you. And Rouge, you can have the one next to his. I'll wait down here for Sonic."

"Thanks, Blaire." I smiled, teleporting us to the top of the stairs. I followed her directions and opened the black door. As soon as I saw the inside of my room, my eyes widened. It was all black with a few red stripes on the walls with red and black furniture. The bed frame and carpet were black, the bed covers were also black, and the pillows were red. In the corner, I saw a black desktop with a nice computer with a bunch of shelves full of books.

Maybe staying the night wasn't such a bad idea after all...

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