Growing Up

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Shadow: 16
Sonic: 15
Blaire: 14
Shadow's POV

Six years have passed since that day. I had to be the adult, even though I was only 16, but I was the eldest and had to take care of my brother and sister. Although it wasn't always easy. I had to find work so that I could provide for the three of us and all of that. We all pitched in, finding small jobs to do around the town. We talked about moving to a bigger town or city so that we would be able to find a better place to live, but we were still happy where we were for the time being. We were able to stay with one of our neighbors, Miss Vanilla, for a while until I could take care of them myself. She was very kind to me and my siblings when she found out about our parents. We always could go to her when we needed something.

And although I loved my siblings to my core, they were still my younger siblings... meaning they got on my nerves. Mainly my twin. Sonic liked to go throw himself into danger just so that he could show off for this one pink girl who kept following us when we moved around. I think her name was Amy Rose? Yeah, she started to get a bit obsessed and Sonic ended up getting nervous so he'd book it whenever she was around.

There was this one other orphan who was the local thief, Rouge the Bat. She liked to follow me around when I'd be out looking for Sonic, not to mention she teased and flirted with me multiple times. She drove me nuts. She quickly found out how to really push my buttons.

Blaire really had me concerned, though. She barely spoke to anyone other than me and Sonic after the accident. It was like she was scared to make any friends. Then she started pushing us away, too. She became more distant and went off on her own a lot. Every time we would go looking for her, we'd find her by the stream we found her on that day.

"Hey, Shadz!!"

"What, Sonic?" I groaned, turning to look at him as he ran up to me.

"Guess who bolted again?"

"Blaire..." I sighed.

"Yup, want me to-"


"Looks like you're busy, little brother." I chuckled at his expression. "Might wanna run before she catches you. I'll go look for her. Just make su-"

"Make sure to be back by dark, yeah I know."

I smirked as my twin sped off at full speed then teleported to the stream, knowing she'd be there.

That was when the explosion happened.

Sonic's POV

I was out by the market getting stuff we needed with Blaire. She'd been really weird lately, disappearing out of thin air, barely speaking to anyone, and pushing me and Shadz away. It really had me freaked out to be honest. I mean, she's my little sister and seeing my little sister like this was making me worried and sad for her. I just wished I could do something to help her.

"Hey, Blaire? You think we're good on chili dogs? Or did we eat them all the last time we had our little challenge?"

If there was one person in this entire world that could eat more chilli dogs than me, it was Blaire. We'd always have a little friendly competition to see who could eat more and our scores were pretty even now. I turned back to see why she hadn't answered and realized that she was gone.

"Not again..." I grumbled, paying for the food before heading back home to find Shadow. He always knew where to find her... besides, I still had Amy to deal with. I liked hanging out with her, but she was just a bit too clingy. I ended up finding my uptight brother just outside of town, leaning against a tree and deep in thought... again. I loved my brother, but I was really getting worried about him. He acted like he had to take on all of the problems of the world and it was really getting to him, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. That's why I kept going off to help others, to show him that I could help and that he wasn't alone. Though I was still the middle brother so it was my job to annoy my older brother and younger sister.

Sonic: The Forgotten Siblings (old version/sorta on hold?)Where stories live. Discover now