
1.2K 13 3

Shadow: 20
Sonic: 19
Blaire: 18
Twitch: 19
Cavern: 19
Blaire's POV

Once we got to the island, I took Twitch and Cavern's hand and teleported us just outside of town. I flipped the hood up and turned on my camo watch, allowing it to change my fur color to brown. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself just yet. We walked into town and I went straight to the chilli dog stand. The guys had never had one before, so I got them two and three for myself. I totally got them hooked, their faces lit up like a Christmas tree. We had to order them two more.

After we were done eating, we headed to Vanilla's house. It was the same as I remembered it... I knocked on the door and a little girl opened the door with a little chao next to her. She looked a lot like miss Vanilla, she was so cute!

"Hi, can I help you?"

"Hi!" I smiled as I knelt down. "We're looking for Miss Vanilla, do you think you could help us find her?"

She smiled brightly and dashed back inside, leaving the door open. I stood up and glanced at the boys, seeing their confused faces. A moment later, Miss Vanilla stepped outside, the little girl standing behind her.

"Hi there, may I help you?"

"Miss Vanilla?" I asked, taking my hood down.

"Yes, that's me. May I ask who you are?"

I sighed and turned off my camo watch, allowing my normal coloring to return and looked up at the rabbit. She gasped and hugged me.

"Little Blaire the Hedgehog!"

I laughed at her response and hugged her back gladly. It felt so nice to be back, but I had to cut this short and ask about my brothers. She invited us inside for lunch, offering to make us some homemade chili dogs. We gladly accepted and followed her inside. She told us that the little girl was her daughter Cream, and her chao was Cheese. I introduced the twins to her and they went to play with Cream and Cheese while I spoke with Vanilla. I asked her about my brothers and she told me that they were off on a mission with their teams. She said that they'd be back for the festival in a few weeks and that we were welcome to stay with her until they returned. I thanked her, but informed her that we already took care of the housing situation.

Before we had come back, we had already bought a huge house outside of town where I could train as well. I was so lucky to have the twins as my best friends, considering they were technically rich because of the temple they had looked over. It had a treasury in the lower levels filled with artifacts and golden coins beyond count. They eagerly offered to help get me set up when I told them I was going back, and though I tried to convince them that it wasn't necessary, there's no arguing with the twins once their minds were set on something.

After lunch, we headed to the house to get settled in. I promised Vanilla that I'd come visit as much as possible, and she was happy to hear that. On the way there, we passed a crowd of animals shouting, though I couldn't tell if they were cheers or boos you know? I walked over to see two blurs racing around the street, one blue and the other black and red. The two stopped and I got a good look at the hedgehogs that were fighting... they were my brothers.

Why are those two pin-heads fighting? Probably something Sonic did to annoy Shadow again, knowing them.

"Guys, I'll meet you back at the house."

"Where're ya goin?"

"Please tell me you're not actually going to watch that fight, Blaire."

"Nah... I'm going to go say hi."


"Trust me, I'll be fine. Go on ahead."


"C'mon, bro. She'll be fine."


After they'd left, I teleported in between the two and shocked them apart.

"OW!!" they shouted.

"That's enough, you two!!"

"OW...!!!!" Sonic whined again, probably just to be dramatic like always.

"Just who do you think you are?!" Shadow growled, about to hit me. I smirked with my eyes closed and caught his fist, throwing him into Sonic just as he'd gotten back up. Everyone gasped and backed away from us. Well, everyone took off except for a pink hedgehog, red echidna, orange fox with two tails, and a badger.

"Don't recognize me, boys? I'm hurt. Maybe this will help." I said, turning off my camo watch as they looked up at me.

"Blaire?!" Sonic and Shadow gasped.

"Hiya, boys! Miss me- OOF!!"

I was cut off by them both tackling me in a tight hug, earning a few surprised gasps from those other guys. I laughed at my brothers' excitement to see me once again after so long.

"Where've you been?!" Sonic cried dramatically.

"We looked for you for so long, but you were just gone!"

"Guys... can't breathe... need air...!"

They both let go and I sighed as I smirked at them. I really missed my brothers, even though they could be such boneheads.

"I'm sorry I bailed on you guys." I sighed. "I just needed to figure some things out and needed some space to do that."

"No, no, no, no." Sonic said. "That's not enough info, Blaire."

"We need more than just that, so spill."

"Um... care to explain why they're all staring at me?" I whispered, pointing to the group behind my brothers. "They're starting to freak me out. You know what? I'll just meet you guys at my place, here's the address."

I sent them both the location to my home over the watches before turning to leave. They both stopped me and I started to get annoyed.

"Not so fast, missy." Sonic said.

"You aren't just going to appear after all these years and then just leave again-"

"Unless you both want a beat down, back off." I growled as I sparked lightly, causing everyone to back up. "I promise that I'll explain everything, but you both know how I feel about being crowded. Swing by my place later tonight and I'll tell you everything. Bye, boys!"

Before they could argue any further, I teleported myself just outside the house. I smiled and shouted with excitement and joy as I jumped up and down like a child.

I'd found my brothers!

Sonic: The Forgotten Siblings (old version/sorta on hold?)Where stories live. Discover now