Arguing already.....

652 10 0

Shadow: 20
Sonic: 19
Blaire: 18
Twitch: 19
Cavern: 19
Silver: 18
Rouge: 20
Amy: 19
Silver's POV

We all now sat in Blaire's huge living room while she and the guys explained the whole story once again, adding a few other details that I hadn't heard from earlier. Apparently, Blaire didn't disappear until three years after Amy first met Sonic but Amy had no idea who she was. Tails had known about her and even created their Chaos Bands that projected her shields, which Sonic originally thought were force fields. Tails was still Sonic's close friend, but he was also good friends with Blaire and got along pretty well with her. Even Rogue knew about her, in fact they were best friends for nearly four years before she disappeared.

They also explained that almost ten years ago today, their parents were killed in a fire that also destroyed their home. After that they lived with Vanilla and helped out by finding small jobs as they got older. I now started to understand why the two were always so close to the rabbit and her daughter. Then someone attacked the village and ended up separating Blaire from her brothers when she was swept off by the current in the river. I remembered asking Sonic about the old crater that was full of beautiful flowers near the river. It was the first time I'd ever seen him so sad and upset like that, but he just brushed it off and said that it was from an accident a long time ago. I guess now I knew what accident he was talking about.

"I'm still confused." Amy said once they'd finished.

"About what? The fact that I exist? That might have something to do with the fact that anytime I tried to talk to you, you'd shove me aside to go find Sonic because you're a-"

"Blaire." Shadow and the twins warned, causing her to just shrug.

"I'm just saying..."

"That's not what I meant." Amy growled. "I'm confused about why Shadow said that he was created by Robotnik and was nearly fifty years old, plus why he and Sonic always said that they were enemies."

Blaire's eyes widened and turned towards the eldest of the group as he avoided her gaze. It was still really weird for me to see Shadow so out of character like this. Normally he was easily annoyed and all edgy and stuff. Now that he's been around Blaire for only a few hours, he's starting to act a bit different.

"Shadow?" Blaire asked, confusion and concern in her voice. "What is pinkie talking about?"

"Pinkie-?!" Tails covered Amy's mouth before she could start a fight.

"I don't want to talk about it..."


"I said I don't want to talk about it!" he snapped at her. "Now just drop it already and leave me alone!! Why don't you ever listen?! You annoying pest!"

Blaire stepped back with her ears flattened and her eyes widened slightly in fear. Now she got to see the Shadow we all knew. Shadow's eyes widened as if realizing what he did and went to reach out to her, but she took another step back and looked down.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you, I just wanted to know."


The twins went to her side, but she teleported somewhere else before they could even try to comfort her. That was when Sonic started acting out of character. He growled and grabbed Shadow by the collar of his jacket roughly.

"What the hell, Shadow?! You didn't have to snap at her like that! She doesn't know what we went through, that's why she was asking! Which is also why we're here in the first place! To get answers and bring each other up to date with what happened!"

"I know, I'm sorry!!" Shadow said, his expression still showing slight worry and major guilt. "I wasn't thinking, it was an accident. I didn't mean to snap at her, you know I'd never purposely hurt her!"

"Then maybe you should start using your head!!"

Everyone gawked at the two. It was like they switched roles or something. I'd never seen Sonic so angry and serious before, but here he was screaming at Shadow no less! The most surprising thing was that Shadow was acting like he was actually a bit scared! He wasn't trying to fight Sonic or screaming back or anything. He was just using his words and taking it like a punishment or something. Sonic let go of Shadow and crossed his arms.

"You need to be apologizing to her, not me."

"I know, I know."

I glanced back at the others to notice that we were one person short.

"Uh... guys?" I asked, gaining their attention.

"Where's Rouge?"


AN: I'm aliiive!!! So so soooo sorry I haven't updated in awhile!! Some family stuff came up, then school stuff got crazy, but I'm back and hopefully I'll be updating my stuff again and soooon!!! Peace y'all!✌🏼😁

Sonic: The Forgotten Siblings (old version/sorta on hold?)Where stories live. Discover now