Meet Amy.....

742 12 0

Shadow: 20
Sonic: 19
Blaire: 18
Twitch: 19
Cavern: 19
Silver: 18
Rouge: 20
Amy: 19
Sonic's POV

I ran home and tried to sneak into my room to pack an overnight bag without getting caught, but unfortunately for me Tails was still up... and so was Amy.

Wait, why is Amy here?


"Oh, no..." I muttered. "Amy, I can't stay long, I gotta be fast."

"What does that mean, Sonic?" Tails asked, confused.

"And where have you been?" Amy added.

"With Shadow and Silver." I said, walking to my room. "Some stuff came up and I gotta go somewhere for the night. I'll be back, don't worry."

"Where are you going, Sonic?!" Amy asked dramatically as I finished packing.  "Can I come-"

"No!" I said, spinning around and startling her. "N-No, no it's just going to be me and the guys. Sorry, Ames."

"Okay, Sonic." she said, taking a step back in shock. "No need to shout."

"Sorry... I'll see you guys later."

"Hey, Sonic?" Tails asked, pulling me to the side. "Are you staying with Blaire and Shadow?"

"Yeah, she started to freak when we went to leave, so we're going to stay at her place. I'll be back sometime tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll cover for you."

"Thanks, bro."

He nodded with a smile and I raced off towards the mansion. I ran right to the front door and knocked rapidly, waiting for her to answer. Almost immediately, the door opened and I was tackled in a tight hug from Blaire. I laughed and hugged her back.

"What took you so long, Soniku?"

"You sayin I was slow?!" I gasped dramatically. "How dare you?!"

"Sorry, guess I was just getting impatient. I missed you-"


We both turned to see Amy running at us with her hammer in hand, Tails chasing her and telling her to stop. Before I could react, Blaire teleported in front of Amy and created an energy barrier that pushed Amy back.

"Back off, crazy!! Get off my property!!"

"Stay away from my Soniku!!" Amy yelled back.

"Your Soniku?! You're insane!!"

"Tails, I thought you said you'd cover for me?" I hissed at my friend.

"I'm sorry, she overheard us and freaked out! I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen!"

"What's going on?!"

I turned to see the wolves, Silver, Shadow, and... Rouge? I'd ask about that later, right now I had to stop my sister and friend from killing each other. I quickly filled them in and we rushed to stop the girls who were now throwing punches.

"Sonic is mine!!" Amy shouted, swinging her hammer.

"You creepy pink hedgie!!" Blaire stopped it with one hand, throwing it aside. "Get out of here before I completely lose it!!"

"Blaire, stop!!" Shadow said, teleporting in front of her. "Stop it and calm down!"

"Amy, what the heck are you doing here?!" I snapped as I ran in front of her. "I told you I'd be back, why did you follow me?!"

"Why are you hanging around this psycho girl?!"

"I'll show you psycho!!" Blaire shouted, Shadow and the wolves holding her back. "Stay away from my brothers, pinkie!!!"


"Dang it, Blaire!" I groaned. "I hadn't told her yet!!"


"Nice going, sis..." Shadow muttered.

"Wait, you two are brothers... and you have a sister?!"

"I thought the exact same thing." Silver said.

"I'm sorry, but what are you even doing back here, Silver?" I asked with a glare.

"I said I'd see you guys later." he said with a nervous smile.

"He came back right before Shadow did and was in his room hiding because apparently you guys told him to stay away from me?"

"You snitch!"

"He didn't have to tell me, I could tell in his expression when he heard Shadow come in. Please don't try to control who I'm friends with, guys. It's not funny and I'm more than capable of taking care of myself if someone were to try anything."

"Fine, I'll lay off."

"I'm not making any promises."

"Better than a no."

"Is someone going to explain or not?!"

"This should be fun..."

Sonic: The Forgotten Siblings (old version/sorta on hold?)Where stories live. Discover now