𝟷.𝟺: 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝙸𝚗 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙾𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 (4)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Danielle was too occupied on texting an old associate on her phone that she didn't hear what that witch Sabine told Hayley about going to the Bayou. She was besides her sister, who was drowning in sorrow about Elijah.

When the witch left, so did Hayley to go to her room. Rebekah practically had to snap her fingers to her sister's face, who was too keen on her mobile phone.

"This is why we use our mouth, Rebekah." She simply said, continued to type on the little keyboard on her phone. Danielle already felt Rebekah's eye roll.

"What's so important other than protecting Hayley?" The Original Vampire asked, raising one eyebrow at her sibling, who looked at her weirdly.

"Hayley is upstairs."

Rebekah exhaled annoyed, "Didn't you just heard what that witch said?" She countered, facing her body towards Danielle, who turned her phone off and looked at her.

"Well then, little sister, enlighten me." She placed her lips into a thin line, clearly interested now that the witch might be cooking something up.

When Rebekah told her what Hayley will do tonight, the other Mikaelson merely blinked a few times before sucking in a tight air and stood up.

"What- where are you going? I still need the help to find Elijah- Danielle!" She called the hybrid, who turned around and pursued her lips to talk.

"I will make sure that those witches won't harm Hayley. Elijah on the other hand will come home sooner, Rebekah. So stop worrying and relax." She explained calmly before speeding off to Hayley's room.

Rebekah sighed, wondering how her older sister can be so calm and looked so intimidating at the same time. Well, safe to say, she definitely should've looked up to Danielle when they were kids.

The Original knocked on the door, pushing it slightly when Hayley told her to come in. She stayed her ground, leaning on the door frame while she looked at the werewolf who was sitting up on her bed.

"Hey, I'm just asking if you'll still go to the bayou for that check-up on the baby." She said, hands were together in front of her.

"I'm still thinking about it." Hayley said, a bit surprised that Danielle heard the conversation because she saw the hybrid too busy on her phone earlier.

"Seriously? You should have said no." She said, and Hayley frowned, asking her why. "Look, I get that we need to check up on the baby and whatever-" the word made Hayley chuckle.
"-But, it's no use if you ended up dead."

Danielle's eyes lighten up in amusement, hearing the werewolf chuckle made her stomach do backflips but more intense. Why am I feeling like this? She asked herself.

"It's not a big deal, really." Hayley assured, watching how Danielle composed herself from her recent fluttering manner, but it's not like Hayley knew that. "I'll go in and out."

"You mean we. I'm not about to let you go running with the witches when, in fact, they have the power to hurt you." Danielle cleared her throat, ready to leave. "Text me the time, I'll be in my room."

Before Hayley could speak, the girl turned around and left her alone.

Confused, Hayley furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the empty doorway when she sensed that something just happened to Danielle. Not like she knows it, the Mikaelson just experienced how it is to care in someone other than family. A huge need of protection just to make sure that Hayley will not be harmed. It definitely made her want to run.

Danielle arrived to the doctor office where Hayley texted her to go, she saw the werewolf about to go in the door but soon jumped in fright when the half-breed suddenly appeared besides her.

"You're just in time. But don't do that again. You're gonna give me a heart attack." She breathed out, knocking on the door, and didn't see how Danielle hid a smile on her face.

When the door opened, an immediate frown appeared on the woman's face, seeing an original here. Clearly tense and Danielle didn't miss it.

"I thought it's only the werewolf." She said suspicious about the hybrid, who exhaled, knowing this will soon happen.

"She's with me. Let's just... do the damn check-up and will leave." Hayley assured, walking inside when she was invited in.

However, the werewolf stopped when she didn't hear following footsteps behind her. "Danielle? What's going on?"

The hybrid simply didn't spare Hayley a look and kept her stare at the woman, who looked as if she didn't want to invite her. "I'm still not invited in." She said, holding both sides of the door frame, watching the doctor step back in fear.

"Can you invite her in? She won't start any trouble here." Hayley said, crossed her arms and just wanted to get this over with, with Danielle besides her.

"You heard the lady. Invite me in." The Mikaelson said, cocking her head side wards as she heard the heartbeat of the woman pickup. "I'm not gonna hurt you unless you give me a reason to." Her words were chosen carefully.

When 5 seconds went by, she finally gave in. "You can come in."

"Lovely." Danielle said, walking inside the house, looking around while she followed the doctor and Hayley to the room.

Though Danielle was quite skeptic about the doctor having to touch Hayley, she kept telling herself that it's only a check-up, nothing more. But even the slightest thought of someone touching the werewolf badly made her skin itch, and it wasn't a good sign.

"Your baby's heart rate is perfect." She informed, setting aside the ultrasound.

"I knew it. She's a tough one, like her mom." Hayley said, sitting upwards and looked towards Danielle who gave her a smile in return.

The werewolf didn't know what was running in Danielle's head. She was so confused to see the hybrid all protective, but still, it made her feel relieved.

"That's a unique birthmark." The doctor pointed out, seeing the crescent moon behind Hayley, who put her coat back on.

"We're pretty much done here, right?" She asked, looking at her phone when Rebekah texted her.

"Your blood pressure's a bit high. I've got something for it." She informed, clearly up to something, which the other two in the room noticed.

When she left, Danielle gritted her teeth and extended her hand towards Hayley, who looked at her in confusion. "We need to go." She whispered, looking back to see the doctor talking to the witch. Hayley held her hand to get down off the chair, slightly feeling her heart rate fasten of their contact.

Hayley nodded, texting Rebekah to say that she was with Danielle in the clinic. A wolf howled just outside, alerting the two, who looked outside and saw a vehicle approach the house. Danielle managed to keep in the growl that almost escaped her lips and looked back, hiding against the wall while she gestured Hayley to be quiet.

As the doctor came in, it happened fast, and she closed the door, locking it and snapping her neck in under 3 seconds.

"Go out the back. I'll distract them." She said to Hayley, looking outside the window to see many witches were lined up to get inside.


"-Hayley now. Run back to the house and don't look back." She warned, hearing the door knock on the entrance.

Hayley took in a breath before going out the front window, seeing as no one was outside. She looked back to see Danielle give her a warm look before she jumped out the window.

The door broke in, Danielle immediately shoving her hand in the man's chest, ripping out his heart. Her eyes shifted to gold while she continued to fight back some witches.

Their fight landed outside, the hybrid killing two witches in the midst, and before she realized it, her neck was snapped, body falling on the ground. Her last thoughts were about Hayley and prayed to god she was all right.

In anger, Danielle lets out a groan escape her lips as she woke up. She felt someone besides her and almost snapped their neck if she hadn't recognized that it was Rebekah.

"Where is she?" She asked, in a slight deep voice, while Danielle wiped her hands clean using the inside of her jacket. "Where the hell is Hayley?"

"Calm down, sister." Rebekah said, amused to see her sibling look so angry and blood thirsty. "Let's go find her." She said, and the two were off to the woods.

In order to distract herself, Danielle asked, "Any luck on finding Elijah?"

"Yes, Actually. I even spoke to him." She answered, the two side by side while searching for the pregnant werewolf, eyes sharp. "He told me we should protect Hayley and leave him be. He has a plan for Marcel's secret weapon."

"I told you he has good intentions." She remarked, eyes snapping left and right, but couldn't see anything. "I will kill every last one of these damn witches." Danielle growled, didn't notice how the vampire besides her looked surprised.

Then, Rebekah heard something from afar. "Danielle-" she called, but got cut off when the hybrid also heard and already bolted to its direction. "...this way." She mumbled and soon followed too.

Danielle snapped an assailant's head, just in time as Hayley looked up to see her. The two stayed silent, not really knowing what to say and when Rebekah came up to them, Danielle went back to reality.

"Are you hurt?" She asked, looking around the few bodies surrounding them, and she already knew the answer to the question.

"I have to say I'm impressed." Rebekah chimed in, also glancing at the breathless werewolf.

"How'd you find me?"

"Your text got me halfway. Vamp hearing did the rest for both of us." Rebekah explained, looking down at the dead bodies.

As footsteps begin to approach them, flashlights in hand, with more witches. "Rebekah, take Hayley and run. I'll distract them." Danielle said, eyes glowing back to her true nature as she walked towards them.

"No." Rebekah said, grabbing her sister's arm, making her eyes shift back to blue. "You take her, I'll distract them. Don't take all the fun."

Danielle looked back to the running witches before she turned to Hayley. "Good luck, little sister." She before running off in a human pace with Hayley.

Soon, their eyes snapped back when Rebekah got shot with an arrow. Quickly, three arrows were shot at Danielle, too quick that she couldn't dodge them.

"Danielle!" Hayley gasped out and didn't realize the bow that shot through her chest.

"No!" Danielle shouted and had no strength to help her when another arrow shot through her chest, near her heart. She collapsed on the ground, darkness overcame her eyesight.

All she remembered was a wolf growling from a few meters away from her.

Again, Danielle looked down to her stomach, the arrow stuck to it. She quickly grabbed it, and she pulled it off her. "Hayley?" Danielle called when she was back to her feet, looking around for the werewolf, but she was gone.

"Danielle?" A voice crept up from an earshot, Danielle making her way to her sister, who was on the ground with three arrows on her figure.

She exhaled, grabbing it and pulling it off her sister. "Come on." Danielle said, extending her hand, which Rebekah took as she got pulled back to her feet. "Call Nik. We might have a problem." She said, looking down at the shredded bodies beneath them.

Even so, Rebekah agreed and dialed her brother's phone, telling him what happened. As expected, he was coming and told them to find Hayley before something bad happens further.

Danielle and Rebekah went back to the clinic, searching for the werewolf, who was still nowhere to be found.

As they did search the house, Klaus made his presence known.

"Wow, you abandoned your quest for power to help out your family. Having an off day?" The Blonde original sarcastically asked.

"Who took her, Danielle?" Ignoring her younger sister, Klaus asked the brunette, who looked frustrated but chose to hide it.

"I don't know." She said, already felt a rise of anger inside her.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Then who killed her attackers?" He asked, walking closer to them.

"Like Danielle said, We don't know. We both had an arrow to our heart." Rebekah said, annoyed mostly. "If it wasn't Hayley who killed them, then..." She stopped talking when a wolf howled outside. "Lovely. Perhaps her cousins will know where she is."

Having enough of her sibling's feud, Danielle was already gone the moment she heard the wolf howl. She stepped outside the door, ready to speed into the night just to find the girl, but Hayley wad already there, walking to them.

"Hayley, what happened? Tell me what happened." Klaus said, walking up to the two.

Danielle managed to keep her concerns for herself, not wanting to draw attention about her recent need to protect the werewolf. Instead, she stepped aside and let this be a problem for her older brother.

"I can't remember." She answered blankly. Herself was a mess, dirt smudged on her skin, which didn't go unnoticed by the three Mikaelsons.

"You've completely healed." He said, examining the girl when he saw blood smeared across her chest. "There's not a scratch on you."

"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" She reminded, sparing a look to the female hybrid who looked at her, concerned.

Danielle shook her head. "Not that fast." She said, also siding with how Klaus looked so concerned.

"Leave her alone." Rebekah said, helping Hayley to walk and sit down to catch her breath. "It's the baby, the vampire blood, Klaus' blood in your system. It can heal any wound. Your own child healed you." She informed, a small smile on Klaus' face when he realized. "How did you escape? You were outnumbered, unarmed. Those men were ripped to shreds."

Hayley looked up to look at a certain Mikaelson hybrid who caught her gaze. "I think it was the wolf. I think it's trying to protect me." She informed.

"The witches were supposed to protect you. When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux-" Klaus was interrupted when the werewolf spoke.

"-It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes. Danielle saw that too." She informed.

"Fine. Agnes, Sophie. It's all the same to me. I'll slaughter the lot of them for laying a hand on my family." He said, gesturing to the three of them.

"Not if Elijah gets there first." The blonde said, and Hayley immediately turned her head to look at the girl besides her.

"Elijah? Did you find him?" She asked in worry. Though the tone of concern made Danielle's blood boil, she ignored it and continued to listen.

"He's been in touch. And he has a plan. All he asked is that we take care of you." Rebekah said, making Hayley softly smile of the words.

They all stayed silent, given the mention of Elijah's name, until Hayley spoke up. "Hey. So, can we go home now? I'd really like to sleep for a few days." She said, and stood up, only to feel weak.

Danielle almost sped to her, but Klaus was closer and caught Hayley, carrying her. The hybrid female felt grateful for her brother, as she couldn't do it herself.

"I've got you, love. I've got you." He assured.

Danielle looked down, a sense of jealousy deep in her stomach. She cleared her throat and went ahead to go first before them. It was probably for the best that she wouldn't get close to Hayley. At least, that was what she told and convinced herself.

Her behavior didn't go unnoticed by her siblings, who knew why she acted like this. Mostly Klaus because has he hasn't seen his little sister be so overprotective.

Now, Danielle felt like dying when she realized that she might have been the main reason why Hayley got hurt. She winced at the thought as she closed her bedroom door to take a shower for what happened.

After all these events, Danielle soon made up her mind about Hayley. Whatever happens, she managed to tell herself that this feeling towards the Marshall will halt. It's just a phase and will quickly fade in due time.

The only thing that made her nervous was that she wasn't certain to her own assumptions about having the affections to Hayley. No matter, she shouldn't fall to a woman. It will only torment Hayley- her true self will only destroy her.

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