𝟺.𝟷𝟷: 𝙰 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚆𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 (𝟷𝟸𝟷)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Danielle Mikaelson has lived a long and ruthless life for 10 centuries. She had her heart broken, neck snapped, heart ripped out but she was still functional to walk and act like a person everyday. But those memories she she somehow cherished turns against her sometimes. There was a reason why she didn't want to indulge her true feelings and worst fears to her siblings. She didn't want them thinking of her differently like how Hayley does right now.

And it hurts Danielle- knowing that she should've done better in the past but had no reason to want for it to be erased. Her demons, the very one's that she locked away when Hayley started being involved in her life... it came back to bite her. In all honesty, Danielle would kill those demons but that demons made her her. Her truest self and she hated to admit it.

It took her years and years later to forget the massacre she created centuries ago. But forgetting wasn't a permanent solution when she can remember it very well when she just thinks of it slightly. How men and women pleads her to show mercy, the awful screams echoing inside her head which frightened her very deeply. She once thought that the screams were music to her ears. But she just shut off her humanity.

Danielle even went further to go on and compel innocent fathers, commanding them to kill their own family and wished to kill themselves as well if they were drowning in guilt. Danielle closes her eyes shut, could physically hurt herself right now and wanted to rip her own heart out. If you'd ask her if she wanted to return to her amnesiac self 5 years ago, she would say yes.

"Don't beat yourself up too much, Dani. You'll drown in your sorrows." Rebekah advices from a distance when she finally located her sister's whereabouts in the Quarter. Danielle couldn't stay in the Abattoir and needed clear air.

"Leave me." She demanded, not turning around and walked away from the middle of the fountain to go deeper in the streets. Empty streets, in fact. The crowd which was suppose to be here was gone and the Hollow drove them away.

Rebekah didn't listen and caught up with her using her vampiric speed. "I heard." She said and Danielle continued to act as if she was alone. "Sister, stop remembering that night- it won't help you."

That night... Rebekah remembers it so well just like how Elijah did in his memories. You see, they knew that their sister wasn't feeling any emotions and wanted to bring her back. But before they could even plan on doing so, Kol asked for help since he thought that Danielle was going too far with the innocent people in a restaurant.

Ofcourse, when they've arrived, multiple dead bodies were scattered beneath her feet. They found Danielle's hands full of blood, the corner of her lips trailing with the same liquid on her hands. She heard them mercilessly compel that man to murder his own wife in front of her and in shock, her siblings couldn't do anything about it. The worst part was, she did that for her entertainment while holding a grin.

"What do you want, Rebeakah?" Danielle asked coldly, shaking that memory off in her head. She would think of it but it would be proving her sister's point today.

"To help you. It's what Elijah would have done when he's here. But unfortunately, he remains dead on a coffin." She replied, wanting to gain a reaction from Danielle but nothing. Rebekah sighs, continued on walking besides her. "You know she would come around. Give her time to process your true self through."

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