27 | Prince Charming

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"That fucking psycho! I hope some asshole shanks him!" Y/N felt tempted to let out a laugh, though she sincerely felt the same. She does hope that bastard got what was coming to him. Loui said he was beaten pretty badly, which she was inclined to believe. It was a shame he wasn't left dead or locked behind bars for what he did, but hopefully, he was able to knock some kind of sense into him. She wasn't sure how justice was served in the demon world, but she prayed he'd never hurt another person like that again.

"I'm just glad that we're okay."

"Yeah. It was so terrifying, I thought we were going to die or worse." Her voice croaked as her eyes filled up with tears. Rolling her eyes up and sniffling, she delicately wipes them away and takes a deep breath to calm herself as she smiled back at Y/N. "You didn't have to stay all night for me, but I'm glad you did. I'm grateful to have someone here. It was so messed up; I feel like I was hallucinating for half of it. Maybe my mind just shut off at some point from the fear." Her lips pulled into a slight frown as she touched her left temple and slouched a bit.

"What are friends for?" Y/N comforts with a somewhat forced smile before her gaze shifted back over to Loui. "I doubt either of us would've gotten out of there if it weren't for him, though," she muttered, seemingly to herself, but Samantha figured she was speaking to her. The blonde, nudges her friend's shoulder before bending to whisper in her ear, not that it did any good in terms of secrecy. Loui heard her quite well with those sharp ears of his.

"You sure got a catch, Y/N. I don't know what you guys fought over, but I think he's a perfect fit for you. Prince Charming indeed." She chuckles giddily, causing Y/N to shake her head at her, not knowing that a blush had invaded her cheeks. Meanwhile, Loui wore a faint smile as he looked back at the two and called to them.

"Food's ready, ladies."

"Coming!" Without warning, Y/N is pulled from the couch before getting dragged and seated at the table. As soon as they're both in their chairs, a plate is set in front of each of them. The meal was made with simple ingredients: a toasted cut of baguette topped with a bed of spinach and a fried egg. The bacon he made laid to the side of it. Thanking the man, Y/N picks up the bread and takes a bite, and to her pleasant surprise, her tastebuds caught the faint flavor of a pesto spread that was hidden underneath the greens. Loui always had a means of making even the simplest dishes delightful. Without realizing it, a smile had touched her lips, a detail the demon was happy to have noticed as he sat down with his own meal. "Oh, wow! This is delicious! Y/N told me you were good at cooking, but you really made everything perfect."

"You're too kind." Eyes of ruby red drift back to Y/N as a cheeky smirk appears on Loui's lips. "So, you've talked about me~" Her lips formed a pout, earning a laugh from her best friend.

"Oh, yeah, you two were definitely made for each other."

"Sam!" Y/N's face flushed as Loui smiled warmly at the waitress. How a woman so bold can be so shy, he'd never know. Her moods were always a wonder to read. It was one of the many things he adored about her. Meeting his gaze, the woman was quick to look back down at the table, holding back a sigh. She still felt a bit uncertain, but after last night, perhaps she can find it in her heart to be more at ease with the situation. Loui protected her, and not only that, but her friend as well. He has shown he still cares. He is trying. Wanting to change the subject, Y/N turns towards Sam. "Anyways, how are you feeling? You're not too hurt are you?"

"I'm sore as heck, but hey, at least I'm breathing. I took some medicine earlier, when I woke up, so that definitely helped. If you need any, I can go grab it. Looks like you've got some scrapes yourself." Y/N forced a chuckle, certainly more aware of her pain now than she was before, especially in her head.

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