20 | High Flyers

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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    Three loud knocks sound on Y/N's door as as she stirs the few drops of honey she poured into her mug of fresh tea, causing her to jump and nearly spill the hot drink onto her black, long-sleeve shirt. The woman breathes a sigh of relief when she narrowly manages to avoid such a mess before setting the cup down on the kitchen counter to answer the door, wondering who it might be, especially since she isn't expecting any company today. The first thought that came to mind was that it might be one of her friends, since they always had a habit of showing up unannounced, Sam especially, but Y/N was left pleasantly surprised when she opened the door to reveal the slim figure of her boyfriend holding two kites in his hands. The one on the left is bright red, while the other is sky blue with a canary yellow stripe running down the middle. A wide smile is plastered on the demon's velvety lips, though that's nothing out of the ordinary for Loui.

    "Surprise!" He shouts, chuckling at his girlfriend's shocked expression while inviting himself in. When a happy smile appears on her face, he can't help but grin a tad wider, though that seemed impossible. "I just bought these. I've always wanted to try flying a kite, so I thought, why not, and decided to drop by. What do you say, Doll? Should we take these bad boys for a spin?" The man sounded so excited. How could she possibly resist saying yes to that adorable twinkle that sparkled in his ruby-red eyes.

    "Sure, why not? I've got no plans. Just let me finish my tea before we head out. I just made it," she mentions while closing the door before going back to the kitchen to grab her mug with Loui instinctively following after her like an obedient puppy, not that she minded. She finds his childish nature endearing.

    "You might as well pack it up to go. I have a special place I'd like to take you. It's a bit of a drive, but it'll be worth it, I swear." As Y/N lifts the rim of the cup to her lips, a pair of strong arms slip around her waist and tighten like the coils of a snake before Loui plants his chin atop the woman's right shoulder.

    "Special place, huh? What's the occasion?" She questions, not phased at all by his flirtatious actions. The man hums softly with his lips brushing against her supple flesh before a tender kiss is placed onto her neck.

     "Nothing, really. I just love spoilin' ya," he purrs before slipping away from the flustered woman. Though her expression hasn't changed, the Y/N's face had unknowingly turned red, like it always did whenever the bartender placed his lips on her. There's just something about his kisses that make her easily fluster, no matter how many times he had given her them. Giving into his request, she pours her tea into a to-go cup before slipping on a pair of sneakers and donning a light sweater, since the weather is a little chilly today. Once she was ready, Loui picked up the kites with one hand and used his other to hold Y/N's hand as she took a sip of her drink with a smile on her face.

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