14 | Winged Little Spy

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Author's Note:

All right, all right. I'm not so mean as to deprive my readers of what actually happened the night Y/N spent at Loui's home. So, here you go: a small twist of lime for your viewing pleasure.



•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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  Blood-red eyes stare out the window, lost elsewhere within the depths of his mind, rather than the tall buildings that could be seen outside as his hand absentmindedly stirred the hot mug of vanilla coffee with a spoon. Loui's expression was mostly blank, save for the small grin on his lips as he brought the cup up for a slow sip. The taste hardly registered as he focused on the memories of last night as they danced, fresh, in his brain. It was enough to send pleasant shivers down the spine and raise goosebumps on the flesh as each detail was recalled.

The way his tongue had travelled over her skin; her squirming body beneath his hands as she let out the most beautiful groans and giggles; that darling smile on her lips. He adored the way her cheeks flushed as he kissed and left marks scattered all over her skin. He had started on her neck before trailing them down and across her collarbone, a light nip at the shoulders, and then, a light nibble on the ear. How he reveled in the sweet sounds of each moan she let out. They were light and airy, like a gentle song, growing just slightly in volume when he had gripped her thighs.

When he had attempted to gaze into her eyes, he found them shut in pleasure. She couldn't see the grin of sharp teeth filling his mouth as he went on attending to her. It was hard not to get lost in lust. He would've adored their scents intertwined had he claimed her as his, but alas, this was just a bit of fun for the both of them. Loui preferred to savor the little moments, how his hand would caress her cheek before diving in for a kiss, or how her arms would loop around him for security as he would slip a tongue past her mouth, and then she looked at him.

Oh, how she had looked at him with that tender smile as she touched his face and weaved her fingers through his blonde hair. It was in that moment that a fling of passion melded into more, a deep devotion, as he admired her beauty beneath him. Y/N had allured him. The night was near its end when he kissed her knuckles like a charming prince before placing another on her wrist, then another and another up her arm and to her cheek as her eyelids began to droop from exhaustion. It was then it ended with one final kiss on her forehead and a wish of sweet dreams before he fell asleep beside her, feeling more whole than he's ever been.

The demon bit his lip in desire, excited by the memory as a pigeon landed on his windowsill, breaking him out of it. His smile grew just a tad as he met it's black eyes, and in a flash they turned just as red as his own.

"Go check on the doll for me. I'd like to know what she's up to today." Again, Loui drank from his mug, the liquid inside a little cooled off now after all his daydreaming. With a coo, the pigeon took off, flapping its wings towards the direction of Y/N's apartment. Though he did not leave the living room of his flat, his vision was filled with buildings, sky and clouds after a momentary lapse of white. After some time, the bird lands on her window and peers into the home of the waitress, watching her sit on the couch.

"There we are." Feeling a small fluttering sensation in his chest, the man leaned against the wall near the window and continues to drink his coffee as he enjoys the show. Through the ears of the animal, he could hear her muffled voice as she spoke on the phone to a woman on the other line, her best friend, Samantha, who was very excited to hear about the outcome of Y/N's date.

"It was actually pretty fun. I had no idea he would be an amazing cook."

"See! I told you, you worried for nothing! So, what else did you guys do?" The waitress shifts her eyes in thought, wondering if she should really share every detail. She'd rather not, worried her friend might overreact.

"After dinner, we watched some movies, and I fell asleep. He didn't wake me up, so I stayed the night."

"Oh? Did he get handsy?" An adorable look of bashfulness appeared on her face, which she tried to shake immediately. Somehow she could feel Sam's smirk through the phone as Loui wore one of his own.

"No, Sam," she lies quite obviously, resulting in a giggle from her friend.

"Sure, whatever you say, Y/N. What else?"

"Not much. He made me breakfast, then we took a walk and got ice cream."

"Did he pay? Cause, if he didn't at least offer to pay, that's kinda shitty." This time, Y/N laughed as she leaned back.

"Actually, he insisted."

"Aw, a true Prince Charming."

"You weirdo."

"Hey, don't judge me for loving romance! I'm happy for you!" Loui was pleased to hear that he went over well with her friend, and he thought it so funny that she had avoided talking about their little intimacy session, though she surely remembered it by now.

'Good, everything's going smoothly.' His gaze on her lingered a bit longer before he decided it was enough and released the bird from it's duty, returning his vision back to where he was presently. A light frown touched his lips, however, as he sat upon the couch, staring into his coffee cup before giving a small sigh and ruffling his locks.

'How would she react to what I am? I could only imagine how horrified she'd be, knowing she did all that with a demon. It'd ruin everything.' Loosening the tie around his neck, Loui lies back and props up his feet while setting his cup on the coffee table, shutting his vibrant eyes. Being with Y/N was actually a lot better than he imagined. She was funnier than he expected, bolder and much more interesting than most people he had met in his long, demon life. He doesn't want it to end, and therefore, he came to a conclusion.

'She can never know.'

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