17 | Pitch Black

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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   "Come on. Come on. Come on," Y/N mutters repeatedly under her breath while scrubbing vigorously at a spot she noticed on the carpet a few minutes ago. It isn't a big mark, but it was enough to bug her. She had no clue what had gotten into her. All day, every little thing wrong with her place became apparent, and it only got worse the closer it got to when Loui would arrive for their second date. He'll be coming for dinner, and here she is on her hands and knees with her mind being a complete train wreck as she does her very best to make things perfect like he had for her.

     Sadly, the woman has no idea how to complete with the man and his incredible dinner and beautiful apartment. Maybe she was just overreacting, but her mind wouldn't stop coming up with bad scenarios that will likely never happen. Loui has always been nice to her and would probably find it funny that she worried so much for his arrival. Even so, she felt her anxiousness was somewhat justified. Things have been a little awkward for her since their first date due to her... Interesting experience, so things had to be perfect in order for her to move past it.

     Loui clearly wasn't as affected by what happened then, considering that he continues to act as he always does. The only real difference is that he'd often make little comments that'd turn her face red and make her heart race. Sometimes, the things he'd say would even make her choke on her spit in surprise and embarrassment. Though she does love his flirty attitude, it was new for her and made things a little difficult to get used to, but that never stopped her from saying similar things back to him, however, she never really got the desired results. His face wouldn't even tint red; instead, he'd give a cheeky grin and would often retort with something far better than what she had come up with. The exhausted woman gives a soft sigh in defeat, giving up on the very faint speck that dirties the beige carpeting, as she sits on her knees.

   'Hopefully, after this, I'll be more comfortable with dating.' Nearly, a yelp escaped her when a soft knock came from the door before she quickly bolted up with wide eyes. Y/N hurries to collect the cleaning supplies she had laid out on the floor and rushes into the kitchen to throw them into the cabinet she took them from earlier. "Just a second!"

   After everything is put away, she goes towards the door and takes a deep breath to compose herself before opening it. The individual on the other side greets her with a signature smile as the H/C-haired woman takes in his appearance. As usual, Loui is dressed in nice clothing: black, pinstripe dress pants held up by a leather belt, a white, button-up shirt that hugged his torso nicely, and black boots. A thin, black jacket covers his shoulders and, as usual, a fedora sat atop his head. The color is also black with a white ribbon wrapped around it. In the man's hand is a folded, clear umbrella covered in droplets of water that fall onto the carpeting in the hall. It's raining heavily outside, so it's drenched state was to be expected. Y/N gives a happy smile when meeting his crimson gaze.

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