02 | Designated Driver

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

——————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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"Uh... Are you absolutely sure you want to go there?" Y/N asks, uncertain if she would actually like to step foot inside the establishment they stood outside of. She isn't sure why, but the place unsettled her. Initially, she thought it was due to the feeling she got off of some of the other people in line with them, but some part of her wasn't fully convinced that was it. There was something fishy about this place.

"Something about this doesn't feel right," she adds while looking up at the illuminated sign above their heads with the words, The Devil's Speakeasy on it in bright, red lights. A cartoon demon smoking a cigar leaned against the ending "y" with their tail traveling underneath the letters all the way to the starting "T". It's your average depiction of the devil: red skin and horns as well as a pointed tail. What seemed to unsettle her the most, however, was the wide, sharp-toothed grin across its face.

"Oh, relax, Y/N. We're here to have fun!" Samantha exclaims, too excited to catch onto what her worried friend felt. Y/N sighs in defeat, knowing she won't be able to pull her friends away from this place. Eventually, they reach the front of the line, where a bouncer stands tall over the four ladies with an intimidating scowl. It was no question why he was the one to guard the door, for while he did not have the most welcoming of faces, his arms were bulging with muscles shown clearly thanks to the tight, black tank top he was wearing with the same devil logo that was on the sign plastered on the back.

"ID, please," he requests curtly in a deep voice that sent shivers down her spine. Gulping down her nerves, Y/N presents her ID to the man, her friends following suit. Seems she was the only one bothered by the vibe he gave off. After reviewing the cards, he hands them back with an approving nod before stepping aside to lift the velvet rope blocking the doorway. "Enjoy your night, ladies." Y/N didn't like how forced his smile was, even more so after comparing it to the wide grin of the demon on the logo.

'Am I seriously the only one weirded out by this?' Apparently so because Y/N's friends gave a loud cheer before dragging her into the dark entry of the establishment without a care. After pushing aside a heavy, black curtain at the end of the short hallway, the group found themselves standing on a black, metal balcony overlooking the joint, and needless to say, the place was breathtaking. Starting from where they are, the balcony traced around three of the four dark walls and was crowded with people in expensive suits and dresses sipping on drinks and chatting. Blue and purple lights cast a glow on them from the ceiling above, switching colors every now and again to the sound of upbeat jazz playing live from the stage down below, covering up the sound of slot machines that took up nearly the entire left side of the room. The most beautiful part of the stage was the giant fish tank arching above it filled with colorful species of aquatic life in all shapes and sizes. Last was the bar, which could be reached by going down the stairs to their right. It was in the shape of a large half-circle, and behind it, stood three talented bartenders performing tricks while making drinks for their customers who sat upon red barstools. Behind the workers was a tall, cylindrical shelf of alcohol that shined colorful lights upon the bottles, giving them an alluring glow.

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