14. Chapter

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"Wait!" Naruto turned to Sakura. Shikamaru and Choji had already said goodbye, and now Naruto wanted to head home as well. "I'll take you home." Surprised, he looked at the young girl with light pink hair.

"You don't have to do that." He smiled, but there was something so sad in that smile that Sakura couldn't quite grasp.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'll take you home, we're friends, aren't we?"

Naruto looked at her in surprise. Of course he had thought of her as a friend, but no one had ever done anything like that for him. He felt bad for trying to reject her and questioning their friendship.

"I'm sorry" The blond boy mumbled while bowing his head..

She sighed. "You're so strange."

"I'm sorry." He repeated as if he were a robot, only capable of speaking one sentence. Sakura swung out and gave him a slap with her bare palm on his lowered head.

"OW!" Visibly taken by surprise, his head shot up and he looked at her in shock. "Sakura-Chan!"

Broad-legged and with a fearless grin on her pale face, she looked down at him.
"You have to stop apologizing for everything if you haven't done anything wrong!"
somewhat perplexed he slowly nodded.

Furious, Sakura turned around and pulled Naruto with her in the direction she thought his flat would be.

"S-Sakura-Chan..." still moving, she turned to him.

"We're going the wrong way." Blood shot her in the cheeks and she stopped, her head lowered in shame.

He laughed and took her by the hand. All the way through the village, Sakura let Naruto guide him without looking up. Naruto chattering endlessly throughout their walk.

After a few minutes, the blond boy slowed down and finally stopped in front of a run-down apartment building. Sakura looked around in confusion. That couldn't be.
This area was absolutely unsuitable for a six-year-old. How could the old man allow that and still sleep well at night?

Disgusted by the people who approved of this injustice, she ran up the long stairs behind Naruto.

Rubbish was everywhere, puddles of indefinable liquids decorated the corners, and no one seemed to care.

It stank terribly, but Naruto didn't seem to care. On the third floor he pulled a bunch of keys with a cute little frog pendant out of his pocket.

The flat didn't look much better. It was a tiny room, free space was filled with empty instant ramen cups and plastic packaging. Anger was running high in Sakura. How could these brutes leave a little boy on his own?

Naruto turned to her and scratched his neck nervously.

"I know it's not as pretty as yours, but I have nothing else."

"Next time I come here, I'm going to clean this place up." She crossed her tiny arms.

"Next time?" He seemed surprised by her words again. He thought that she wouldn't want to come back here once she saw the place.

"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't come to see you?"

"S-Sakura-Chan..." Tears started streaming down his chubby cheeks. Completely overwhelmed, she embraced him with her arms and stroked his back, unsure what she could do to stop his tears.

Naruto cried and cried and when he finally calmed down, Sakura's new t-shirt was soaked with snot and tears.
His eyes were red and puffy, his nose was running and his lower lip was trembling. Still he grinned wider than ever. Sakura also couldn't hold in the tears that suddenly formed in the corners of her eyes, but she wiped them away quickly and smiled as well.

For a long time, they just sat there, their mere presence already helped the other one.

"You know Naruto... you're my first real friend."

Neither of them said anything. Naruto stared at her with his ocean-like eyes, tears were dwelling up in them again.

Slowly, Sakura raised her narrow hand and wiped away the thick drops.
"Don't cry Naru-Chan, your smile is way too beautiful for that. Just like sunshine!"

She grinned at him with swollen eyes.

"D-do you promise that you won't leave me?"

"How could I ever leave you?"

She took his hand and extended the little finger of her other hand.

"Pinky promise." she whispered as she saw his bewildered look. She herself only knew this ritual from one of her parents' maids. "If you promise yourself something like this, you must never break that promise."

Naruto also stretched out his little finger, and Sakura wrapped her own pinky around it.

"I promise I will never leave you."


i am so sorry it took me so long to post a new chapter omg

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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