5. Chapter

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Two years later

It had been two years since Isanami had started to train her.

Sakura had become stronger, but her diet and the constant experiments of her parents prevented her from building up proper muscles.

That was about to change today.

Today, she would flee her parents' house and never come back.

The thought scared Sakura, but she knew it was necessary, and she was not alone.
For months, they had been preparing to escape unnoticed. Isanami suggested to return to her old home village Konoha, which was probably only a day's journey from the Haruno residence.

For days she had been hoarding small food rations in a secret compartment under a loose floorboard.  Together with the money she had taken from time to time, she was sure to get by.
She had also sewn one of her old clothes into an outfit suitable for movement, in which it was much easier to run.
It was dark green and embroidered with small leaves, she had cut off the bottom and made it into a longer top.  Underneath she would wear short black pants.

She had mostly trained in a short summer dress in which it was not quite as annoying as in her long kimonos, which made it difficult for her to move at all.

Since there were no weapons in the house, she had to fight with a long stick instead of a sword.  Isonami had said that they would start training in Konoha with real weapons like kunais and katanas.

Sakura was looking forward to the feeling of being able to really defend herself.

In the evening, she waited until she couldn't hear any more footsteps in the whole house, which meant that everyone was asleep.

As quietly as possible, she got out of her bed and set about getting everything out of hiding.

She slipped into her travel clothes and put on her sandals.  Finally, she tied her hair in a high ponytail and packed the trail food in a small cloth bag.

So that her parents wouldn't notice her disappearance, she put a few pillows under the blanket, you could think she was still soundly asleep.

With one last look she checked the room in which she had spent her whole life.
The walls were bare and it looked more like a guest room than the children's room of a six-year-old.

She urned around and threw over the black coat she was going to use to camouflage herself in the shadow of the night.

"We must go now, I hear a maid coming."

Sakura didn't answer, but instead pushed the door of her room open as quietly as possible.

She tiptoed down the long corridor, always careful not to make a sound.

When they were finally outside, she ran through the garden towards the high wall that separated the mansion from the outside world.

There she had attached a rope in the afternoon and was now climbing up it.  On the wall she turned around one last time and looked at her parents' magnificent house.

She felt no guilt or regret for what she was about to do.

Then she turned around and, with a smile on her lips, jumped from the wall down on the soft forest floor.

Sakura- Flower of Blood (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now