6. Chapter

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The journey was more strenuous than she had expected.

Her thin legs could hardly keep her body weight after hours of walking and she sat down under one of the many big trees.
At least the weather was good and the sun was not too bright.

Since there was a good chance that her parents sent people to look for her, they decided to go off the beaten track.

They both agreed that it would probably take two days to get to Konoha, as Sakura wasn't very fit. It was only noon and the little girl thought she was about to faint.

"We'll take a short break and you can eat something, after all you haven't had any breakfast." Sakura just nodded and took a piece of bread from her bag.

"Wait a minute, let's stay on the trees. We can see everything better from above."

No sooner said than done, the little pink haired girl rested on one of the thick branches.

Now it was much later, and Sakura was getting tired. The shadows of the trees would have scared any six-year-old girl but her.
She was no longer afraid of childish things like darkness. With hospitality, she greeted the shadows that offered her protection and a hiding place, as her mentor had explained.

"Shall we camp here?" Sakura looked around and saw that they had arrived at a small clearing.

"Sounds good, I can tell how tired you are." she dropped onto the soft grass and laid her luggage on the ground beside her.
Then she set out to find dry wood for a fire, trying not to go too far from the camp.

For more than half an hour she tried to create a decent flame and her hands were already sore.

"That won't work." her mentor sighed, "I'll teach you a Fire-Jutsu, with which you can not only light a bonfire but also set your opponents on fire."

Sakura nodded reverently and prepared for the hand signs.
It didn't take long and she had one of the smaller Fire Release Jutsus halfway up.

Sakura's big green eyes glowed proudly as she applied her newly learned technique to the small pile of brushwood and thin branches.

When she saw her young student, Isanami was equally happy and noticed what a special charisma the little one must have to make such an old and sad soul smile.

Before she ate something, she stretched, on the order of her mentor, some wires with little bells attached to them, which she had taken from her parents' wall decoration, around the camp, so that she was informed about approaching animals and people.

Only then did she sit down and unpack a somewhat hard piece of bread. But although it was already a few days old, this did not bother her and she was happy about the meal.

She took a sip from her water bottle to wash down the dry taste and yawned heartily.

Sakura had to giggle at the thought of the punishments she would have expected at home for something like yawning.

She would never let herself be suppressed like that again.

For the first time that day, she felt truly free and happily fell asleep not much later.

Sakura- Flower of Blood (English Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant