3. Chapter

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Sakura stood in the middle of a field of poppy blossoms.

The wind passed gently over her, leaving her white dress whirling around her small frame.

"Hello, Sakura."  She was startled and turned on her own axis.

The voice seemed to come from everywhere, and the four-year-old wondered if she was dreaming.

"You're not dreaming." Could the voice read her mind?

"Who are you?" Her voice was soft, but the stranger seemed to understand her well.

"My name is Isanami, and yes, I can read your thoughts because we are connected."

Sakura was too shocked to say anything, so Isanami began to explain the situation to her: "I used to be a normal Kunoichi from Konohagakure, well it was still called Konohamaru back then, but nevermind.  My name was Ayaka Itō and I lived like everyone else, but on a mission in a temple ruin I was chosen by a goddess to continue to exist in the living after my death.  I know that sounds absurd, but that's the way it is.  I haven't spoken to any of my vessels for decades, but I took pity on you and thought that maybe I could help you."

"Help me how?"

Before Sakura, a beautiful woman with long black hair and bright blue eyes manifested.

She wore a black kimono with red flower embroidery and long slits on both sides, so she could move her legs freely.  Above her chest was a diamond-shaped opening under which a small whirl-like tattoo could be seen on her otherwise snow-white skin.

The collar of the dress enclosed her neck and was decorated with a green stone in a golden setting.

Under the dress she wore short black trousers and the typical ninja sandals.

The woman wore her hair in an elegant updo and the small red blossom on her forehead was clearly visible.

"I will train you."

Sakura- Flower of Blood (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now