Chapter 25

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The door opened and Lexa's eyes shot up towards it. She stood up and moved closer to her sister. The two stood opposite each other, Lexa drummed her toes on the floor, anticipating Anya's next move.

Anya closed the distance and pulled Lexa in the tightest hugs she could manage, as per instruction from Raven. Lexa buried her head in Anya's shoulder and without any warning the flood gates opened.

Tears washed over her face and soaked into Anya's shirt, "I thought you were dead..." Anya said, pulling back to look at her sister, putting her hands on her face she studied her.

"Hey, don't cry." She said wiping Lexa's tears away with her thumbs.

Lexa chuckled lightly, "Uh, you're crying too."

"What, I'm-" Anya stopped as she felt her cheeks wet, "I guess I'm really glad that my sister is alive, pissed but so freaking Happy Lex."

"Me too." Lexa said, wiping the tears that had come again away. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for leaving." She said, shaking her head slightly whilst more tears made their way down, she really was sorry and saying it wasn't going to fix it, she needed to prove that she was sorry, she just needed time.

"It's--" Anya paused, because it wasn't okay and they both knew that, she couldn't find the right word, but settled with, "We'll work through it." She said, because they would, they had too. After all they had been through, they deserved happiness more than anyone in the world, this was their moment, to find peace and just be happy without having to kill or survive, it was their second chance.

Lexa couldn't quite describe the feeling inside of her, it was warm and inviting. She wanted more of it, she wanted her life back, surrounded by her friends and family. Once again Clarke had saved her just as she had saved her from the organization, one strikingly hot night Clarke came knocking, unbeknownst to her that she'd find Lexa in that house. Now more than ever Lexa felt grateful that Clarke had pulled her out once more, that Clarke had decided to talk with Titus.

"Working through it sounds better, I know I have a lot to make up for and I'll try." Lexa said, wiping the tears dry from her eyes, maybe the alcohol was making her a bit soppy than she'd like, she blamed that on Octavia who made sure to refill her cup the minute it got empty.

"Okay, I'll go get us a bottle of something strong and you can start filling me in." Anya said.

"How about we dance first," Raven said, taking Anya's hand pulling her to the middle of the floor while she moved her body against Anya's to the beat of the song. "Turn it up!!" Raven yelled and someone cranked the volume up so loud it felt like the whole house was shaking.

Clarke excused herself and joined Lexa, "Dance with me?" Clarke whispered in Lexa's ear.

"Anything for you." Lexa replied, pulling Clarke to the dance floor.

Clarke wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck buried her face in Lexa's neck. In a really long time she felt whole, happy and content with life, she wasn't looking for the next great exit, she didn't wnat an exut, she was where she wnates to be, in the arms of the woman she loves and kows loves her back.

The others joined in, Echo with Bellamy. Jasper, Monty and Harper doing a robot dance that made Lexa laugh every time she looked over at them. Luna and Octavia sat on the window seel sipping their beers while watching all their friends together once more, everything was just as it should be, perfect.

"Jasper is third wheeling, right?" Lexa asked.

"Definitely." Clarke chuckled lightly at the three who were awful at dancing.

"I just might have the perfect person for him, Maya, although if she breaks her heart I'll break his bones."

Clarke pulled back so she was looking at Lexa, "Old fashion match maker, Classic Lexa, first they need to meet dummy." Clarke perked Lexa's lips and before she knew it Lexa was spinning her around, she squealed and laughed, life couldn't get any better than this.

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