chapter 33

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We love people and then we lose them. It's the cycle of life. We meet new people, and love them to the point where we can never imagine life without them and out of nowhere we are forced to live without them, to have nothing of them but memories that seem so vast and never enough.

In a split second the people we love are gone and we are left with this dark space where they're supposed to be, this endless pain that hurts so bad you feel as though your lungs will give out from crying and your brain is begging your heart to heal but you can never just heal

As Clarke sat in the passenger seat while Lexa drove behind a black SUV, she tried so hard to remember Aden's last words, but she couldn't, she couldn't remember the last thing she said to him.

Lexa had been following the SUV for a while now, "Aden wouldn't want this." Clarke said staring in front of her.

"This is war Clarke, They started it the day they tried to kill me and now Aden, an innocent child and  what happens if they do the same with Madi?" Lexa said calmly. "I must end this for us to live a normal life."

"This is wrong." Clarke whispered her voice quivering at the thought of what Lexa wanted to do in Aden's memory.

"This is war Clarke," Lexa replied, Clarke knew that, she knew it was war and she knew she couldn't stop it. Anya, Luna and Octavia were running like mad dogs and Lexa was, searching for answers, It was a war Clarke could not understand, it was their fight.

The car pulled up and so did Lexa just behind it. "Stay in the car." she instructed to Clarke .

"Lexa?" Clarke tried,

"Stay in the car Clarke and don't follow." she said firmly and exited the car.

Lexa walked towards the car and opened the passenger seat getting inside. "Lexa?" Ontari said swallowing hard, Ontari had been a girl in the organization, and unlike Lexa, she accepted orders blindly.

"The order, where did it come from?" Lexa asked, holding a knife at Ontaris throat.

"If I tell you, you'll leave this car with me still alive?"

"Deal." Lexa said calmly.

"Thelonias Jaha, he found out about you, you disappeared." Ontari said reaching her hand towards glove compartment and Lexa pressed the knife into her throat, drops of blood trickled down. "It's the paper I received." Lexa nodded for her to go on and Ontari pulled out a piece of paper with a few words on it.

She knew Ontari was telling the truth just from the hand writing. She could recognize that hand writing from anything.

"You and your friends went dark, nobody could find you then all of a sudden you were on every rador out there. He said he wanted to teach you a lesson, that no one crosses him." Ontari sang like a bird, she was never that smart.

"And you delivered the kill." Lexa felt her rage growling inside of her.

"It was an order." ontari defended herself, "And we always follow orders or we die and you know-"

Lexa stuck the knife in Ontari's chest, and pushed the blade deeper.

"He was an innocent child," Lexa opened the door of the car, her hand red with blood. "You'll be dead in a minute," She slammed the door shut and walked back into her car.

Clarke stared at Lexa's bloody hand with wide eyes, and tears at the brink of falling, "Please tell me you didn't do it." she said, her voice barely audible.

"War has no mercy, Clarke." Lexa said, she opened the glove compartment and took out a cloth, cleaning her hand.

After that she took out the piece of paper and handed it to Clarke, "Yu gonplei ste odon." She said and for a moment her heart felt heavy with grief, those words. Those words were the basis of her rebellion in the organisation, she never could understand who gives anyone the right to take another life.

"It means you fight is over, those are the words before death, Jaha wrote them now tell me Clarke you still believe I should let them live?" Lexa asked.

"I hope when you done with all this you'll still have your soul," Clarke breathed out, and blucked up her seat belt, she wiped at her eyes quick and stared out the window.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, her mind was screaming, 'IT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY' but reality was screaming right back at her, but this is how it is.

"Drop me off at my mothers."Clarke said and Lexa drove off, after a while she parked the car infront of Abby's house and Clarke opened the door as fast as she could and escaped, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

She knocked on the door and Marcus opened it and Clarke couldn't care less because she collaped into his arms, her body shook and tears raced down her eyes, "This is not how it's supposed to be." She sobbed.

Abby came and saw them, And took over from Marcus and took Clarke into her bed, Marcus grabbed a pillow and a Blanket and headed for the couch.

Clarke's body shook while Abby held her tight, she knew Clarke was in pain and it tore away at her soul, she wished with all her being she could take it all away and have it be her own. To save her baby who has been defeated by the world so many and still rose.

After a while Clarke's breathing had gone back to normal and Abby checked and she was asleep. Abby slipped out of the bed and went over to Marcus who was staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know if she'll be okay after this, if she'll survive without a drink, it's a miracle she hasn't--"

"Come here, " Marcus said and Abby walked over, Marcus sat up so Abby could lie down with her head on his lap. "Clarke is in pain, I think everyone is." Marcus stared long and hard at the wodden boat he had helped Aden build for his art class. He too felt as though he had lost a son.

"But Clarke is going to make it through this," He said firmly.

"How sure can you be?"

"Because I have been where she is." Marcus admitted and Abby sat up, "Lost my wife and child in a car accident, I don't talk about it because it still hurts but the pain, it dies down Abby and the same will happen for Clarke. And Raven, she told me about Josephine and I don't know how but we get through it."

Abby remembered when she lost Jo. She felt as though the world might as well have ended and she still thinks about her everyday but it doesn't hurt anymore, not like it used to.

"I didn't know you had a child." Abby said , looking at Marcus who just offered a sad smile

"You would have loved her." He said, "Now how about you go back in there and hold her, because she doesn't have to be alone in this, we can help her through it and we will."

If you see any mistakes please point them out


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