|Chapter 32: sickness|

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I never thought this would be happening to me. Getting married. Dressing up in a beautiful long dress and wearing a finger saying you're now together with a person till death do us part.

And now I'm married after a year of getting ready and distracted by more crimes I've now got a ring in my finger for six months now and although I love Sherlock sometimes when finding a bag of fingers in the fridge it's a little frustrating.

"Sherlock I told you to use the small fridge I got you for the fingers." I breathed putting them in the hidden away fridge I bought for the weird experiments he does.

"It was further away." He said while looking through his teshascope. Raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"So will I if you don't stop putting the non-eatable meat with our food." Sherlock sighed not looking in my direction.

"Fine." Smiling at that I kissed his cheek.

"Good. Now I'm going to meet with my brother, I'll be back in an hour."


My brother was meeting me at a cafe near my apartment. Which was good because I wasn't feeling 100% today.

"(Y/n) you made it." He smiled leaning over to hug me. Smiling we sat down for a while just talking. "You alright (y/n)? Normally you love chocolate cake." Smiling lightly I bit my lip picking at the slice I'd gotten.

"Yeah, I just don't feel great all of a sudden. Don't worry." He shrugged taking the slice from me and I laughed smiling softly.
He decided to drive me home since I wasn't feeling well.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Rolling my eyes I smiled leaning over hugging him before leaving the car. Waving as the car drove off I turned back to the apartment, opening the front door a sudden wave of dizziness came over me and I leant against the door frame.

"(Y/n)." Mrs Hudson came walking over touching my forehead. "Oh, you're burning up. Sherlock!" She yelled at the end and didn't get a response. I let out a sigh feeling sweat roll down the sides of my face. A heatwave came over me next. "Sherlock I know you're up there. (Y/n) is down here. She's not doing well." There was a thump and I heard footsteps. Tugging off my coat I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm not doing so hot." I breathed out when Sherlock came into view. He felt my forehead.

"She'll need some tea, Mrs Hudson."

"Tea? She needs a doctor Sherlock." He shook his head picking me up.

"What she needs is a pregnancy test." Sherlock bluntly said making my eyes go wide. I knew I was late but because of the stress from work and living with Sherlock, it was often that I was late so I didn't think much of it.

"Oh, dear." Mrs Hudson said before we were in the upstairs apartment. I let out a shaky breath as he set me down.

"Sherlock are you sure? I thought we were careful?" He didn't say anything while removing my shoes.

"We'll know after I get back from the store. Just try to rest." He came over kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

We were so careful. All the time. I knew Mum had a hard time through our pregnancies and she struggled going things but I didn't know it was this bad. If that's what this is but Sherlock is normally right.

"Here you are, dear." Mrs Hudson came walking in with a cup of tea. "Sherlock look awfully worried when leaving the flat. Worried about you I'm sure." Letting out a long breath I blew on my tea.

"He's been like that since we got married." He doesn't let me go on cases anymore. Not that I really wanted to see dead bodies all the time but it was a sudden change from when we first met. Although I do help around when they're working things out in the flat.

"He just wants to keep you safe. He really loves you." Smiling to myself I sipped the tea feeling slightly better. "And if you are. He'll love that baby too. In his own way." I giggled at the end which made Mrs Hudson smile. "Oh, I'm excited. Another child. I'll let you relax." She left the room and I sat there on the bed glancing to my stomach every so often. Doesn't look different to normal. What will mum say? Since this wasn't planned and all.
The door of the flat opened as I finished my tea. Standing up slowly I was surprised to see John down the hallway, not Sherlock.

"Oh (y/n) sorry. Mrs Hudson said you were lying down. Not feeling well?" I smiled tucking a hair behind my ear.

" not 100% but I'll be fine." Walking down the hallway John gave me a once over before walking further into the apartment.

"Sherlock figure out the blood samples yet? He mentioned something about it yesterday." Glancing over to the kitchen I shook my head.

" Not that I'm aware but he was distracted." John looked at me again trying to figure it out. His eyebrows knitted together. Thinking deeply. Sherlock came bursting through the front door panting lightly and when seeing me came right over feeling my forehead.

"You shouldn't be standing up so soon. I've brought two just to make sure." John cleared his throat because clearly, Sherlock didn't notice that his best friend or anyone else was in the room. "John. Didn't know you'd be here." Sherlock gave me a warning look and I just raised an eyebrow too. I didn't know he was coming either.

"Yes well, I just thought you'd be finished with the." Sherlock turned to me gesturing for me to use the bathroom. I nodded slowly walking down the hallway. "(Y/n) is she...." I shut the door but the walls are so thin I could still hear the men talking.

"Is she what?" Sherlock snapped back as he always does when angry.

"Pregnant." John finished but I didn't hear a response. " I'm assuming from the silence it's a yes." Using once test I got out a second one to make sure.

"We're just testing now," Sherlock spoke back after a moment.  John left out a breathless laugh.

"Just testing. You knew Mary was pregnant without a test just by talking to her. Is she or is she not pregnant Sherlock." John didn't bring up Mary so openly in conversation often. It was becoming a very heated argument over something I wasn't so sure should be an argument.

"She has been eating less. Refused to drink her normal wine on Fridays and last week was sick one morning." I'd almost forgotten about last week but afterwards, I was fine so assumed I ate something bad the day before. "So that suggests that yes she's pregnant." I held my breath still waiting for the tests to be done. Knowing walking out of the room the conversation would stop.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? A kid. Full-time parent. Not just the afternoon with Rosey but all the time. You better be because (y/n) is probably in that bathroom freaking out all alone so you need to make up your mind and be there for her." He was right. John knew. I was standing there shaking and for some reason didn't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Now go." There were footsteps. Sherlock's footsteps coming towards the bathroom. Followed by a soft knock. I opened the door and Sherlock stepped inside.

"The result I haven't looked." He wrapped his arms around me. A soft hug followed with his chin resting in my head.

"We'll look together." And there it was on the counter a plus sign on both tests. I was indeed pregnant as Sherlock already knew. Letting out a shaky breath I slowly looked up to Sherlock who slid his thumbs over my cheeks. "We're going to be fine." He kissed me softly and suddenly I didn't feel so worried about this anymore.

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