|chapter 13: 10 Minute Drive|

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I'd automatically wondered my way up the stairs, not only did the two of them disappear for two days but Sherlock texted me wanting to talk about something. I didn't have another client until this Tuesday, so three days from now. Lightly knocking on the door It was slightly ajar so I slowly opened it. 

"Now stay in there until you're cleaned up!" John shouted slamming the bathroom door shut. "Oh (Y/n) sorry about that. didn't hear you come in." I giggled a little.

"Probably because of all the shouting. Sherlock said he wanted to see me." 

"I sure bloody hope so, he can't stop trying to reference you in every conversation we have."When it was coming from someone I know it made me slightly more wary of the fact Sherlock does seem to overly fond of me.

"So you know about..." He nodded.

"Yes," John cleared his throat, how much did Sherlock share with him. Clearly more than what John is willing to say. "Did you want some tea?"  

"I uh yes, that'd be lovely." John went off to make some tea, I sat down on the couch spotting a book that I flicked open and I wandered through it. The bathroom door opened down the hall John stepped out.

"Go and put some clothes on we have a guest." 

"Who is it?" I rolled my eyes not listening and turning another page. Sherlock's voice was in a whisper which really wasn't necessary. 

"Does it matter, go change." A giggled rose in my voice after Sherlock's bedroom door shut. "Sorry about him." 

"No need to apologise for being a parent to him. I can't imagine what he'd be like without you." He seemed to have pondered on that for a moment. John passed over some tea.

"Here." Smiling at him John sat down before going on his phone. 

"Who's the guest." Sherlock came out fiddling with his sleeves until seeing me and glared over to John. "She's not just a guest."

"Yeah well, this whole thing is news to me." John was kinda acting like a child but Sherlock was acting the same so no point blaming either of them. Sherlock came to stand above me.

"No client today?"

"Not until Tuesday, so what did you summon me for." He smiled spinning me around towards the door.

"We'll be leaving now John. Enjoy your afternoon." Sherlock grabbing my hand leading down the steps only to hear a shout coming after us.

"What about our clients Sherlock?!"

"Call me if you hear anything interesting. Consider this the favour you owe (y/n). She helped out you when you needed to go on that date." Sherlock smirked towards me and a smile crept up on my face.

"Yeah, when you were high as a skyscraper!!" Sherlock shut the door behind us before calling a cab.

"And where is it we're going?" He looked at me.

"One a case." Sherlock opened the door for me and I glanced back.

"What about..."

"John? Oh, I'll call him when we get there. I just wanted some peace and quiet." Rolling my eyes I slid across the seats and Sherlock told the driver a location. "So what do you think of this?" He whipped out his phone showing me a photo. A painting, with red graffiti covering the artwork. Seemingly looking as if randomly sprayed across the canvas apart from the fact....

"Dancers Practising at the Barre, painting Edgar Degas made in the 1870s. Just looks like someone was trying to disrespect the painting until you turn it upsidedown." I turned the phone around seeing initials for something although not sure what for. "What Sherlock?" His smile only grew before he pulled me into an intense kiss. Sherlock's hand went through my hair and his tongue went down my throat swirling it around with mine. He hummed making me follow along, why do his lips feel so perfect against mine? Sherlock finally pulled away staring at my features.

"God I missed you." Then my body leant forward into his, Sherlock was surprised by this but welcomed the action if it wasn't for the damn seat belt I'm sure I would have been on his lap by now. We'd both forgotten about the person driving us in the front seat when Sherlock rested a hand on my upper thigh. For some reason that was all that took me to get unstuck from my dazed state.

"I missed you too." I blushed pulling away making Sherlock smile. Giggling when seeing my lipstick on his lips Sherlock tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"What is it?" Passing over a handheld mirror he stared at himself for a moment. "Not really my colour is it?" We both laughed while I also got out a makeup wipe and took off the smudged lipstick before attending the lack of my lips.

"Ere we are." The cab driver called out and Sherlock tossed him a 30-pound note before we got out to the Museum. 

"What's with all these people using paintings as a forefront for there crimes?"  Sherlock didn't say anything and it didn't look like he'd remember to call John so I got out my phone. 

"Where's John?" The inspector said looking mostly towards me and I pointed to the phone in my hand. "God Sherlock, why didn't he come with you." 

"He was in the middle of something." Cocking an eyebrow at him smiled quickly before we were shown the way in. 

"Yes, a case. Come quickly please." John was not happy nor was he in the middle of something when we arrived in the first place and yet I did feel a little special that Sherlock wanted to be alone with me for a 10-minute drive.

The fashion consultant | Sherlock Holmes x Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora