|Chapter 2: 221b Baker Street|

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I'd rung the doorbell to the land lady's apartment. Not having my keys just yet. Answered within a few moments she smiled when seeing me.

"Mrs Hudson it's good to finally meet you." I smiled also extending a hand that she lightly shook.

"Oh (y/n) it must be you. Get inside before the rain starts back up." It was unlikely it would but I listened anyway stepping enough inside for her to shut the door. "Now I'll just go and get the keys. You wait here." She hurried off and I placed my suitcase near the apartment door before stepping back towards the main door wear I originally stood.

"John we need a cab!" One of my eyebrows raised. The shout was followed by two pairs of footsteps and two men came basically jumping down the stairs. I was ignored by the first man until he reached the last step.

"You're (y/n), the woman who rented out the flat below us correct?" He spoke and before I could say anything he went of speaking. "You have a dog, I'm not sure I'll like that thing barking on through the night. " we stared at one another for a moment.

"Sorry about him, he's not very good at introductions." He extended his hand for me to shake. "I'm...."

"John Watson." I finished for him shaking his hand and he glanced back at the other man he was with. "Sorry I glanced to the paper in your hand. You're friend here same your name earlier." I let go of his hand placing mine in the coat pockets. "No need to introduce myself then and you're unperceptive friend there would be....." I said making the man scoff.

"What do you mean unperceptive?"

"This coat isn't mine, it's my sisters. You might have presumed I walked here due to the lack of wrinkles on my coat but I only put it on before I got out of the car. Along with that, you must have assumed I'd put it on before I opened the door to hide my drenched clothing and suitcase. And I don't have a dog." The landlady's door opened and shut.

"You also have a brother. Your father has passed away but you didn't care all much for him since he spent most of his time away abroad cheating on your mother. You've lived in Paris for the last ten years working in fashion. Is that unperceptive?" Shrugging my eyes squinted at the man in front of me. Another person who sees more than others.

"Sherlock I would have hoped you'd bite your tongue when meeting your new flatmate."

"You'd hoped wrong Mrs Hudson." The man left making John lean back on his heels before standing up straight looking out towards Sherlock who walked right out the door.

"Well, that went well. He doesn't get much better than that I'm afraid." He cleared his throat before glancing back towards me. "Nice to meet you." We shook hands before John ran after his friend.

"I'm so sorry for those two. I was planning on letting you know about Sherlock's behaviour before you both met." I briefly smiled paying my attention back to Mrs Hudson. "Now let's get you settled in." Her smile never left her face as she opened the door trotting down the stairs. I followed with suitcase in hand down the single flight of stairs. "Your sister did a good job at setting everything up." 

"Jess always wanted to be an interior designer." I murmured to myself although enough for her to hear while I took in the space. She redid the wallpaper, it's fresh. Must have been blank beforehand. Most of the furniture was mine from my previous place, I could just see her ordering around the workers to put everything in its place. 

"Here are the keys, I'll let you settle in, but I will be back with some tea after I've done some shopping." Mrs Hudson calmly left the room leaving me with my thoughts. Rolling my suitcase to my room. A small apartment but I don't see the need in anything bigger than this when I'm living by myself. There was still a number of boxes left untouched by Jess, mostly clothing which I told her not to touch. Shes always loved taking my clothes since I buy the expensive stuff. Not that I don't ever get it back, it tends to be a thing she does for dates and such. Spending a number of hours cleaning and searching around my flat I'd managed to set everything out the way I wanted in time before Mrs Hudson returned with some tea. Two cups, she'll be staying for about half an hour or so. 

"(y/n) deary, have you settled in?" She questioned looking around to the boxes near the foot of the stairs.

"Very. It's a lovely little flat, all it needed was a little design upgrade." My smiled encouraged hers as she poured the tea.

"That's wonderful to hear. Sugar."

"Yes, thanks." She placed one sugar cube in before sitting down opposite me on the table.   

"When you emailed me about the flat you said you'd recently gotten out of employment are you..."

"Yes, I'll be alright." I finished her sentence having a sip of my tea. " I'm a fashion consultant with a number of clients in London, who I'm sure have heard of my new living arrangements. It's only a matter of time before...."   My phone buzzed. Couldn't be Jess shes still working. Nor could it be mother shes overseas so. "I'll have to take this sorry," I whispered answering the phone and standing out of my seat. 

"(y/n) love are you in town?" Sir Morris, a man I dressed three years back in September for a 'gathering' of sorts in France. Government official. 

"Ahh, Sir Morris It's good to hear from you again. Yes, I am and permanently. Word travels fast on your end, doesn't it? " He chuckled into the phone and a shuffle was heard on the other end. He's in a car.

"I'm sorry for the short notice but tomorrow there's an important network meeting and my dresser has come down with a cold. I would love for you to arrange something for me, you'll be well compensated and I'd gladly give you a pass with a plus one invitation." 

"You certainly know how to network Sir Morris. Let your secretary send me your measurements and I'll get started right away." My body spun around to Mrs Hudson who stood right away seeing I was about to leave. "I'm so sorry to cut this short but I have some shopping to do." 

"That's alright, I know that look anywhere." I raised an eyebrow before gazing to the clock.  

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