|chapter 15:Shopping|

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A long breath escaped me. What time was it?  I slept like a log last night after... Sherlock. My eyes opened seeing him not beside me in the bed. Did he leave, was there a case or was I right all along and he got what he wanted? That's when the door creaked open and Sherlock came walking in with two sets of tea.

"Good, you're awake. I was worried the tea would get cold." A smile landed on my face. Do I really doubt him that much? "So you thought I left?" Sherlock said while handing over the tea which I'd sat up to take while wrapping the sheets just above my cleavage.

"Oh, I uh yeah... The thought crossed my mind." He chuckled and I now noticed he'd been wearing his robe. "Did you go get your robe from your flat?" He shook his head removing it making me blush as he came to sit beside me under the covers yet again.

"No, I've had it here for the past week." I gasped lightly slapping his shoulder. "It's called preparation. Did you want me to wander around your flat with nothing on?" Blushing yet again he chuckled. I started sipping my tea.

"Did you find out what you wanted to know. About the drugs I mean." Clearing my throat at the end I almost spilt some tea when he placed a hand on my upper thigh.

"Yes and to report, I solved one of the cases last night afterwards. You're more stimulating than any drug. More addicting also." He glanced downwards to my lips which he didn't hesitate to kiss. Humming approval he pulled away so we could both have more of the tea he'd made. Sherlock rubbed his thumb back and forth on my thigh. The calm atmosphere was halted when my phone rang. Sighing while placing the mug down I leant forward to grab the bag still containing my phone inside of it. Jess, she picks the worst times to call. 

'Hey sis, I just thought I'd remind you we're meeting in an hour.' 

"Wait? What for...." Then it hit me. "Christmas shopping right." I grabbed the tea mug once again taking a large gulp before standing. 

'You forgot? You never forget things.' I let out a fake laugh looking through some clothes for something to wear. 

"Just pick me up in an hour yeah." Jess let out a laugh hanging up the phone, tossing my phone backwards towards my bed I remembered Sherlock was still here, he wasn't there when I glanced back. Hmm, both our mugs were gone, kitchen maybe? Wrapping my robe around me that went to my upper thigh I travelled to the Kitchen where Sherlock was putting a few things into the dishwasher from last night. He's being tidy. Moving up behind him I wrapped my arms around his waist lightly tugging on the rode he wore. "I was thinking of having a shower." I breathed into his shoulder blade. 

"And you want me to join?" Nodding I heard him chuckle. 

"Come on," I whispered turning to walk off and slipped off the robe before disappearing into the other room. Sherlock followed.


Buttoning up my coat to finish getting ready I glanced overseeing Sherlock putting on his suit jacket. I bit my lip, we were in the shower for a long while, it took a lot of effort to finish getting ready in 20 minutes. Jess had texted me saying she was outside just a moment ago. So grabbing my bag and keys Sherlock walked me to the door. 

"I'm not sure how long I'll be, Jess isn't the best at making desitions." 

"I'll be out with John about the case I solved and the other one I also solved this morning." I giggled gasping a little when his hand travelled downwards. 

"I need to get going alright." I smiled and we kissed for a moment before I left the main apartment door to meet up with Jess. It was getting colder by the day and soon the snow would be arriving. I'm looking forward to it although after next week my clients will be slowly decreasing, it tends to happen this time of year. 

"I saw that," Jess commented when I slammed shut the car door. 

"Saw what? My new coat? Thank you its from the new collection of...."

"No. Whatever we'll talk about it when we get there." Jess sped down the road to the shops where we parked when trying to hope out of the car it was locked. "Come on why was Sherlock with you this morning and in a robe."

"He wears a robe all the time."

"Stop dodging the question and tell me. I'm your sister and I'm not unlocking the door until you tell me." Rolling my eyes I clicked the lock and hopped out of the car. She's a damn idiot sometimes.


So a new necklace for mum. Expensive tea for Mrs Hudson, a new jumper for John a nice one not cheque and band tickets for my brother. Already got Jess's gift. All that was left was Sherlock.

"Hey, Jess do you think this would suit me?" I questioned while moving the long dress on top of my clothes.

"Go try it on. I know you want to." Rolling my eyes I did so and nodded looking at myself in the mirror. "Sexy I think... What's that in your neck. Gasp a hickey?! You didn't!! that's why Sherlock was..." I covered her mouth with my hand and sighed. Damn it I forgot about that.

"Yes now shut it before the whole world hears you." Huffing I uncovered her mouth just wanting this dress off me. It wasn't so appealing now anymore.


"Come on give me some details! I want to know everything!" She was too excited about this. I was worried she'd crash the car while she drove the streets. "Was he good? Is Sherlock a virgin... Well not any more."

"Yeah, it was great. He knew what he was doing and yes he was a Virgin." She tapped at the steering wheel happily.

"So what did you do?" Scoffing at her comment I flicked her forehead.

"No more details, I don't go asking about all your love triangles." 

"But I would gladly tell you everything."  

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