|Chapter 7: The Crucifixion Murder|

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"No, no I told you, Mrs Hamilton will be wearing a navy blue bodycon dress with a pastel pink hemline. This is a very important day for her in the office I don't want you to mix up the main part of her outfit." Hissing this into the phone to the person arranging the outfit who quickly apologised. I took a long gulp of the tea I had in a takeaway cup as I walked along the main streets of London. "Has this been corrected because I have another client to attend to." 

"Yes, Miss." And they hung up. I let out a groan seeing what I'd just stepped into. This was supposed to be my new client, the CEO of an international bank but something was wrong, people were stumbling all over the place, pale faces and papers flying. The worst of it all was Sherlock, he stood in the middle of it.

"Oh (Y/N) so good for you to stop by. Let's talk about your client." 


Flashes of a camera went off, it was repulsive in the way it made my stomach churn when staring at the man nailed to the desk like the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

"What can you tell me about him (Y/n)." I've been wound up in this again. I sighed trying not to breath in too deeply worried the blood would flood my lungs.

"Wilson Terry, CEO of this building. He's 43, lives with his wife and two kids. Married but not happily. Wears Dover street market clothing apart from the one I've ordered from him earlier today. Spent nights late because of both the marriage problem and his work, he drives himself to and from work. Not so much a trusting person and you need a keycard for this room to enter... well normally." Making sure to stand away from the walls that had dotted blood dripping along it I glanced over to the inspector. "Anything I missed?" 

"No. I'm not sure why I'm even here." The inspector flipped his notepad back over shoving it into his side pocket.

"How did you know about the marriage problems?" John asked leaning in to whisper more while I stared out to Sherlock who was looking over the body.

"Well, I need to know a thing or two about my clients. That and noticed one of the receptionists red eyes and a very expensive bracelet that was above her pay." More shots were taken of the body, don't they have enough bloody photos?.... No pun intended. 

"What do you propose happened here?" Sherlock cheered standing back up while clicking his magnify glass shut. 

"Someone who can hit a hammer that's for sure. Each one would have gone through the bone within two swings I'd say." John spoke while pointing to the nails, one in each hand and foot.

"Three times in the left foot meaning they can hit a hammer but got tired of doing so after the first few." Sherlock spun his heel to look at me. "Anything to add (y/n)?" Staring at the body for a moment I looked away, that ghastly site was going into my nostrils smelling like iron and heading straight down to my stomach. Which is what I was trying to avoid. 

"They're angry for sure, the layout of the scene suggests they wanted the death to be painful. Clearly the killer thinks this man has done something unholy as the appearance is similar to the crucifixion ...."

"Of Jesus Christ yes." Sherlock finished for me clapping his hands together, if I didn't know better he was enjoying this all too much. The inspector rolled his eyes.

"An affair. Possibly multiple. Someone found out and got a little too angry."  

"We're looking into the PA's, they're the only ones with access to this section and since none of them reported stolen key cards or letting anyone into this room last night it has to be...."

"The wife." sherlock proclaimed making the inspector bring his hands in the air as a sign of defeat. 

"What the hell are you talking about. The wife...."

"Has a key card, she insisted upon it. She found out about this mans affair and couldn't handle the news. So after the receptionists and PA's went home for the night she turned off the lights and killed him when the cameras couldn't see it take place."   

"But she was at home, she has an alibi, Sherlock!" John shouted back and Sherlock clicked his fingers together walking up to the three of us. 

"Ah but you see that's something she thought of. Their house is twenty minutes away from here and she went out with some friends to a bar once the kids had gone to bed. Buying two matching dresses she waited until both her friends were smashed before leaving for the office that was only five minutes away. So the dress with all the blood on it will be at.... David & co cafe bar." Two men scampered out of the room. He worked that out from the dead body.  I gripped tighter onto the bag I held gulping softly enough to gain John's attention.

"(Y/n) are you alright, you're pale." Nodding dimly I cleared my throat. 

"Just rethinking what I'll be doing for the next two days. Since my client has backed out on our contract." Sherlock smirked leaning in towards me. 

"How about lunch then." 

"Lunch? Sherlock, I don't think anyone wants to be eating now we've just seen a reenactment  of Jesus Christ!" John shouted trying to gain Sherlock's attention who didn't falter in his staring contest with me. 

"Just (y/n) and I then. A lunch date. Have fun with the inspector John. I'm famished aren't you?" Sherlock took my arm as John struggled to say anything at all. We left the highrise and Sherlock started walking the two of us away from the crime scene. "Anywhere particular you wanted to go?" This man is one big ball of confusion, does he like me or not? 

"I'm just happy to be out of that room. Anywhere is fine." He hummed changing our direction. A sea of people swarmed around us. It was rush hour after all. 

"Will this do?" It was a simple restaurant. I nodded and he opened the door for me to enter first, he's being surprisingly.... Nice. Jess will have a field day when hearing about this, not that I plan on telling her anything. 

The fashion consultant | Sherlock Holmes x Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora