|Chapter 10: The deal|

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Sherlock had been following me. Relentlessly. I'd decided to do some shopping, using the money I'd brought that suit for the dead man as payment, I'd noticed him about an hour or so ago. I court a cab in hopes of getting rid of him but alas he found me once more. Sherlock was remaining distinct for such but from what I've gathered from John Sherlock is able to hide in plain sight if needed. So he wants me to approach him. Waiting a moment to decide on a new skirt I trotted overseeing he decided to 'try on' some sunglasses.

"These ones would suit you best. Matches your face shape and eyes."

"Thank you, I thought the same." Quirking an eyebrow at him I glanced around the room.

"What are you doing here? Shopping?" He laughed at that.

"Oh no, not my style. I'm sure you've noticed me following you." My nod coursed him to smile all the more.

"Yes, I thought the cab would get rid of you. But can't get rid of a person if they know where you're going." I sighed but it slowed down once I spotted a lovely knitted jumper in front of me.

"Don't you want to know why I'm here?" Shrugging at Sherlock's sentence he went on. "About the other day Tuesday, I believe. You've been avoiding me."

"Ah, and you think following me across town is going to swoop me into your arms."

"Well, it is worth the try." Letting out a huff I walked past him to the dressing rooms. This place has the large mirror doors.

"Is everything else in my change room?" The lady nodded stepping aside to let me pass through. Slipping off my dress I kept on the boots I wore to match them with the winter skirt. 

"Miss, your boyfriend wants to see the outfit." Leaning my forehead against the door frame I sighed.  This is not how I thought this day would turn out.

Sherlock stood by the doorway and nodded to the woman

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Sherlock stood by the doorway and nodded to the woman. She did the same before walking off, normally at a place like this they don't leave there post. 

"What did you tell her?" A sigh escaped my breath while inspecting the outfit. Perfect around the waist and the coat isn't too tight, sleeves slightly too long but would fit nicely with a sweater. 

"We had a small fight and needed to talk it out." Rolling my eyes my heels spun around to look at him. 

"I'll make this clear Sherlock. I know you. All you want to know is if sex is equivalent to drugs as a stimulant. I'm an experiment to you and even if you try to fool me with kind gestures just so you know I'm not fooled by you. It's just a game to you." Huffing this out his eyes squinted at me. 

"I lied to you the other day. I may have been a little high." Groaning out I went back to the dressing room gathering up my clothes and walked out wearing the outfit I was going to buy. 

"I'll take it all andgive me a bag for my old clothes." The same lady from before nodded. 

"So the talk didn't go too well?" She spoke, gathering from her eye direction Sherlock was nearby. "I didn't know Sherlock Holmes had a girlfriend." He's getting me mixed up in more of his life. 

"Let's keep it that way alright." She saw the look on my face. It wasn't happy, who would be. A man I've only known for two months has decided to inform me that he wants to have sex with me instead of taking drugs. 

"He can't be all that bad. Someone like him needs a normal person like you." Humming in response the tap of my card drew her attention back to folding my clothes into the bag. "Have a nice day." I'd left before she finished talking. Sherlock was by the door and opened it for me. 

"We should get going." He spoke while raising an umbrella.

"Why do you..." And it started pouring with rain. "Fantastic, you can be a weatherman." Each word dripped with sarcasm. He merely smiled walking the two of us to the main street. 

"Your new coat is getting wet." It was a sing-song voice that made me frown. Stepping closer to him Sherlock than looped an arm around my waist. He was enjoying himself way too much, with that smile of his almost to the point of chuckling. "Here we are." He turned and I followed.

"I thought we were heading back to the flat, not to afternoon tea." Sherlock didn't say anything but opened the door for me.

"It's an apology, please." Sighing I left the cold wetness of the outside world into a small cute cafe. London style of course. "Do you always listen when someone says please." I scoffed sitting down opposite to him on a cushioned seat.

"No, I only listen when I know they're buying." Sherlock smiled yet again. 

"Do you enjoy me trying so hard to win your affections?" A waitress came walking over from the counter.

"No, I find it quite exhausting. Hi, the gentleman across from me with have a double shot with his milk on the side with no sugar." I spoke quickly and Sherlock raised an eyebrow tilting his head to the side.

"And she'll have an English breakfast tea with milk and one sugar. How do you know I have a double shot after lunch?" 

"How do you know I like one sugar with my tea?" I questioned back and he leant back in his seat. 

"Are you sure you're not interested in me?" His question made me roll my eyes and sigh towards the rain coming down outside.

"Are you capable of human emotions? If you're going to try intercourse with any women emotion is needed. Of course, I'd never settle with a man whose intention was nothing other than physical. Thank you." The waitress returned with my tea which was nicely made although still hot I felt obligated to drink from it.

"So let's say we have a trial period." The statement almost made the hot tea go down the wrong hole in my throat.

"Excuse me," I spoke placing the mug back onto the small wooden table.

"A trial period of us 'dating', we'd do all the normal couple things like... Going shopping, movies, dinners." I raised an eyebrow at him using quotation marks on the word dating and Sherlock lifted his shoulders showing his uncertainty of the topic. " I don't know just normal things and if you said you enjoyed yourself for those two weeks then I get one night." 

"One night of...."

"Sex, I thought that clear." I made an oh shape with my mouth. "Do we have a deal?"

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