|Chapter 30: I love you|

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Sherlock was doing better. Heaps better, after a few weeks I'm now able to get back to work. Although I honestly don't have any clients at the moment Sherlock still believes I'm lying about that.

"I told you I'm fine. Go out." Sherlock said as I stood close to him in the hallway near his bedroom.

"Alright. Only because John is here." He leant forward kissing me softly. "And have fun interrogating Mycroft." Sherlock smiled kissing me again, his hand went lower and I heard john clear his throat. Smiling I stepped back.

"Such a mood killer john." Sherlock smirked in my direction.

"By boys, enjoy the interrogation." I left after grabbing my coat and walking to the close by store I did some basic shopping. My phone started ringing. It was from Jess. Originally we planned for her to come around for afternoon tea, but it was still only just past 10. "I sware Jess if you're cancelling on me again I'm gonna...."

"(Y/n) what the hell. Sherlock's apartment just exploded!" She shouted from the other end of the line. I dropped the basket I was holding and ran out of the store.

"Are you sure? If you're bloody trying to get a reaction out of me I'll tell all your suiters you have a rash where the sun don't shine."

"Are you kidding me? Of course, I'm not lying! Just get back here alright." By the time I got there, firefighters were already stopping the flames. Jess was on the opposite side of the street, this cannot be happening not now. "(Y/n)!" She shouted running over to grab me before I went into the smoke-filled apartment.

"Did you see them get out in time Jess?" I quickly said as I started tearing up. Not sure if it was from the smoke or not.

"No... There was too much smoke." We both stared out at the broken walls not saying a word. That's when I spotted Mrs Hudson in the ambulance. She looked alright. I went right over to her.

"Oh (Y/n) you're alright. Thank goodness." She cried out wrapping me in a hug when I was in arms reach. Police sirens came roaring down the street as they went to inspect the situation. Lestrade came walking over to the three of us.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked and he swept a hand through his hair shaking his head.

"Not at the moment no. But the firemen haven't found any bodies so that's a good sign."

" A good sign? What does that mean? Where would Sherlock go after an explosion like that?" Lestrade shrugged hearing a call on his mic.

"I've got no clue. You're that one dating him after all." I am. Aren't I. Sighing I sat next to Mrs Hudson still shaken up. Jess swore under her breath after ten or so minutes.

"I've got a client coming in ten minutes." She said standing in front of me. "Will you be alright? I can cancel if you want?" I shook my head hugging her.

"No don't do that. I'll be fine." Jess left. The smoke was almost gone at this point. Sitting with Mrs Hudson was nerve-wracking. All I was really doing was waiting for a call. For Sherlock to ring saying he was alright and would be home in a few hours but as the hours went by and the ambulance and firefighters left there was nothing. Lestrade stayed back going down to my apartment that was left mostly untouched. Apart from some dust that coated the furniture. Which Mrs Hudson was cleaning to calm her nerves while I was being questioned.

"So there's no one you can think of?" I shook my head once more staring down at my mug and Lestrade sighed.

"No one, this was completely out of the blue. I was here only ten minutes before and there was nothing out of the ordinary." He flipped his notebook shut.

"He'll turn up eventually. This is Sherlock we're talking about." Nodding I let out a shaky breath. "Now I need to get going. To see if we have any leads but call up if you need anything." Lestrade left soon after and I started helping Mrs Hudson with the rest of my Apartment. We went on with her place the rest of the afternoon which was mostly fine apart from her windows that were either smashed or cracked.

"Are you sure you're not hungry dear? I can cook us up something." Smiling lightly I placed down the third cup of tea I'd had for the day.

"I'm alright. I might just head to bed for the night." No call, not from Sherlock, John. Not even Mycroft who was apparently in a coma. Falling down onto my bed I dreamt a dreamless sleep or maybe I didn't sleep at all it was hard to tell.


"I'm just going to the shops (Y/n). Do you need anything?" Mrs Hudson called from up stares as I was sitting by the piano not in the mood to play.

"Just some milk would be lovely." And she was gone. I heard the front door open and shut. It was quiet, it scared me for some reason. It scared me so much it made my stomach twist. My tea had gone cold. Then the room was filled with the ringing of my phone. Standing up slowly I walked to the kitchen counter and his name was there. Printed on my phone in white writing. It made my throat swell up as I lept for the phone almost dropping the mug I took with me.

"Sherlock, what the bloody hell are you playing at? I leave for five minutes and everything goes to shit." Sherlock chuckled lightly, he sounded nervous. Very nervous.

"I know. I'm sorry. But everything is fine. I'm fine." I sniffed leaning against the kitchen counter.

"After that explosion I .....I thought you...." Tilting my head back to stop the tears from falling.

"I'm alive, look (y/n) I need you to do something for me. Very simple." He sounded as if he was trying not to rush, but Sherlock's voice was almost cracking.

"I won't tell you where I keep the cigarettes if that's what you're getting at." Sherlock laughed lightly and I swiped the tears away from my eyes.

"No, easier than that. Just tell me that you love me." I stopped for a moment.

"What, Sherlock. What's going on I don't understand."

"I can't explain just please."

"You say it first." That made him pulse. I bit my lip. "I think I've waited long enough to hear you say it." This made him pulse once again. He can't. Will, he ever? I've waited for what? five years and still nothing ever comes close to it. "Goodbye, Sherlock."

"No, wait! Please don't hang up. I love you just don't hang up."

"You have to mean it, Sherlock. What am I to you? Just a pass time?"

"(y/n) you're most than a pass time. You're the best thing that's happened to me, I can't imagine my life without seeing your face in the morning. (Y/n) I love you. Will you marry me?" I was stumped, frozen in place. Until I smiled covering my mouth with a hand.

"Yes, You crazy bastard I said to just say... I love you. Come home safely you hear me. Both you and John."

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