|Chapter 26:The wedding day|

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|4 months later|

I'd been working constantly for the past month to make sure the next lot of my clothing line came out in time for spring along with consulting customers. But today I had the day off for Johns wedding. I was woken up by Sherlock and his violin recording. Walking out I yawned.

"Good morning." I breathed but he stood in my path.

"Dance with me." A small smile spread across my face as he pulled me into a dance. 

"Composing again?" Sherlock nodded to my question moving down to kiss me softly. 

"Good morning Mrs Hudson." Sherlock suddenly said pulling away from my lips. I didn't even notice her walk in. "Why are you here?" I blushed a little wrapping my robe around myself.

"I'm bringing both of you your morning tea," I smiled as she passed one cup to me and leant against the desk in the room. "So It's the big day then." She was all giddy, it made me smile against the hot tea near my mouth.

"What big day?" My eyes rolled at Sherlock. 

"The wedding John and Mary are getting married."

"Two people who are currently living together are about to attend church have a party and go on a short holiday then carry on living together. What's big about that?" Sighing he glanced over to me with a raised brow.

"It changes people. I can't image what would happen if the two of you ended up married." I  almost choked on the tea I was drinking.  

"I can't see that happening any time soon," Sherlock said back to her calmly.

"Why not, you've both been together for the past three years and basically live together why not..." Sherlock stood suddenly.

"Why don't you get some biscuits."

"I've run out."

"From the shops, now!" I jolted where I stood and Mrs Hudson left in a hurry out of the apartment. Letting out a sigh Sherlock turned back to me. 

"I think we should get ready." I said after a moment of silence. Sherlock nodded walking to his room In silence while I went back downstairs to start putting on makeup. John asked the two of us to play something after dinner which we'd been practising for the past two months. Between that Sherlock's been writing up his speech that I'm not allowed to read, The funny thing was he'd also been interviewing everyone attending the advent. I found him showing corpses to the ring bearer who was only 8 years old mind you. A sudden call from Mary I fiddled with the earring while answering. 

'I'm so sorry (Y/n) but somethings went horribly wrong with the dress, could you drive down the address I just sent you?' Agreeing I quickly grabbed my sewing box with everything I'd need and grabbed my car keys. 

"Sherlock something happened to Mary's dress. I'll meet you there!" I shouted not waiting for a response and left the apartment. When I got there Mery was biting her freshly painted nails and I saw the tare in the bottom part of the dress. 

"Do you think you can fix it?" She said nervously, some of the braids maids stood around waiting for my answer.

"Definitely. Just stand still, I'll just hand stitch it." As I started pinning the dress and threading the needle the room went quiet apart from some murmurs that I couldn't quite make out. "Calm down I know how to sew. I feel as if I've done something wrong."

"Oh sorry, the girls were just saying how lovely you look." Mary smiled and I nodded going back to work.


The ceremony was complete and everyone was standing around talking.

"(Y/n) don't you look just wonderful." Mrs Hudson came walking up to me and I smiled. 

"Aww thank you and you look beautiful yourself." 

"Well, you did help me pick the outfit." I giggled a little to that. We both lined up to be welcomed by the new wedded couple. 

"(y/n) thank you so much for this morning." Mary breathed out giving me a big hug. "I don't know what I would have done without you." 

"That's all good, happy to help." Giving John a quick hug I went next to Sherlock. 

"Have you given any guests a hard time?" I whispered in his ear as he quickly pecked my lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rolling my eyes Mrs Hudson ushered me inside. Spotting Lestrade drinking away I smoothly grabbed a chaplain glass I leant against the table. 

"What's got you in a sour mood?" He groaned and a photo was taken of the two of us, I made sure to smile. 

"I know what's coming." Raising an eyebrow at him I thought for a moment.

"Sherlock's speech. It can't be all that bad. Didn't you help him?" He didn't say anything once again just groaned in annoyance.  Standing up again I spotted Sherlock talking to the bride of honour. Trotting over she left just before I could say anything. "Found someone to talk to I see and you thought you'd get bored." Sherlock sighed and I knew he was bored anyway but teasing him has always been fun. 

"She needs help finding someone to sleep with tonight and since I'm unavailable and uninterested in all other human beings shes sort my help." I nodded humming out a short moment before taking a sip of wine. That's when Sherlock spotted someone spinning my heel around I saw an army man...Wonder why he's so interested in that guy, I saw John walking over-excited. sherlock had an arm on my waist making me be pulled over to Mary. 

"So that's Major Sholto." I giggled next to him knowing that was jealously talking, he gave me a look but I just went on drinking my champagne.

"You know neither of us was his first you know." I held in a laugh into my glass. 

"Stop smiling," Sherlock said back.

"It's my wedding day." She teased and I laughed as Sherlock tugged us away. Mary gave me a wink and I raised my glass to her. 

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