8. Tell me the truth

Start from the beginning

Harry's POV:

I woke up to see madam Pomfrey walking in the hospital wing with a tray of food for me ''Here you are mr. Potter after you eat this you are discharged and you can go back to your house'' I'm not very hungry so I just took a few sips of my pumpkin juice and put the rest of the tray down on the bedside table. ''Mr. Potter are you aware of your skinniness?'' I nod making her sigh ''You are anorexic and you need to gain weight otherwise it will be very difficult for you to survive'' I put the tray back on my lap and I see her smiling at me so I tried to eat something in small parts but I couldn't quite swallow it but the most important thing was that I tried. But after madam Pomfrey was too busy to keep an eye on me I put the tray down again. I took one bite so I did eat!

On that moment Cedric walked in and gave me his charming smile ''Hey Harry it's good to see you're already a lot better'' he ruffled my hair making me blush. ''But you do need to eat something''. I pointed at an empty spot on the tray ''I ate the bread'' I lied. Then Hermione, Ron, Luna and Neville made their way to my bed to ''Harry you're looking much better!'' Hermione says.

She gave me a bear hug but still being careful because of my chest which was still in bandages because of the treatment. My friends escorted me to the Hufflepuff house and the non-Hufflepuffs stayed too because we had a nice night with tea and sitting in front of the fireplace. It's sad that I've spend my whole weekend staying in the hospital wing but upcoming weekend will be better I hope. Cedric helped me thinking more positive and it helped me honestly.

The next morning was the same as all my week day mornings, waking up, showering, getting dressed, brushing my teeth and my hair and then making my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Only this time I didn't feel just one pair of eyes on me but I felt everyone's eyes on me. Rumors are spreading fast at Hogwarts and I heard people whispering things like....

''I've heard he spend the whole weekend in the hospital wing because Draco Malfoy beat the shit out of him''.

''I've heard he had a fight with Draco Malfoy''.

''Such a shame he can't even stand up for himself he just let Draco beat him''.

I looked at my toes while walking to the Hufflepuff table ignoring all the whispers about me which was hard but I have to. I ate some pieces of a bun and drank some pumpkin juice because Cedric kept an eye on me of course and I wanted to get rid of this anorexia because every time I look at my body it reminds me of the Dursley's. I hate my body and I hate the Dursley's.

I was walking to Charms class when I suddenly felt a hand grabbing my arm and dragging me into the mysterious Room Of Requirement. I stood there and I couldn't see a thing because the lights were off and it was really dark in here but suddenly I heard ''Lumos Solem'' and the lights in the room turned on. I could see the face of the blond Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy and I immediately flinched and started trembling in fear as I took a few steps back causing him to take a few steps forward.

''P-p-please don't h-h-hurt me M-Malfoy please'' I stuttered. He kept quiet as he made his way towards me causing me to step backward again until my back hits the wall. He towered over me looking down straight into my eyes ''What happened to you?'' he says in a soft voice. My bottom lip started quivering shit I don't want to cry in front of him again. And since when did he care what happened to me, I mean he's Draco Malfoy, basically head of Slytherin, Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team, hottest guy of Hogwarts and he's loved by so many and not to forget his family is really rich. This guy has literally everything so why does he care about someone as miserable and pathetic as me?

''TELL ME!'' he screamed making me flinch really hard and I felt hot wet tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked up to him with my puffy red eyes and I could see he regret screaming at me but why? ''Euhm I'm sorry I-'' I cut him off with my sniffing and sobbing and while I was looking at the ground he took a step back. ''Will you please tell me what happened or who did that to you?'' he asked in that soft voice again. Hearing that soft voice felt like he actually cared about me but I know this is just a mask to cover up for what he did a few days ago. But him apologizing is something I thought I would never hear. He apologizes to no one, not even to professor Snape so why is he apologizing and why to me of all people? 

''I-I d-don't want to t-talk about it if y-you don't mind'' I say hoping he would listen and just let it go and go on with his life not caring about me. That's not what I actually want, what I really want is for him to change and finally treat me like he treats his best friend Blaise. To see me as a person and not as a filthy insect. 

Draco's POV:

Actually I do mind because I want to know what happened to him because I care about him. Nobody would believe me when I say this but I want him to be safe. ''Please?'' I say a little louder this time making him flinch again and looking up at me with fear in his eyes I took a small step towards him again ''Why are you so scared of me?'' he didn't answer which I respect but he was silently crying. It was a stupid question, of course he's scared of me and he should be because I'm a monster. I wanted to wrap my arms around him but he is too scared and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. ''Okay I understand that you don't want to talk about it but I want you to know that you don't have to be scared of me anymore, from now on I will leave you alone and I won't treat you like filth anymore'' he nods and we left the Room Of Requirement, he walking really fast and me just walking in a normal pace because I don't care that I'm late for class all I care about is that Potter knows that I won't bother him anymore. 

I really hope this story will do well on Wattpad, please don't forget to vote and put this story in your reading list so other people can see it too. And don't forget to promote me I would really appreciate that.



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