"The day we were reassembled as a band I was hella nervous, but also a little excited. I would be seeing him again, all the time. Even if it hurt, I was there with him. And as you know, things happened and my love for that twenty-two year old boy has grown so much over the past few months, and years. I don't ever want it to be different. I don't want it to change, and I don't want to be with anyone else. Ever. I just-" I stop talking, my voice cracking as tears slowly well up in my eyes. "I love him." I say, helplessly gone for that long-limbed giraffe.

I look up to see Niall watching me with a small smile, eyes a little misty. I giggle at the sight, and heave a sigh. "I've always known since we were first together that this would be the boy I would marry, and live the rest of my life with. I still have no doubt about it. I'd be the one with him to watch his soft, curly hair go gray. I'd be the one to take turns getting up to feed our children in the middle of the night. I've dreamed about the day where I can take him anywhere, and everywhere, on dates. No matter how hard it can get, no matter how frustrated staying a secret is, I don't regret any of it."

"It's been worth it, because I'm in love."

I stare at my hands, willing my tears away, but they slip soundlessly anyway down my cheeks. I smile though. These aren't tears of self-pity, or self-disgrace, I'm just realizing how incredibly lucky I am with Harry. The literal sunshine love of my life, as cheesy as that may be. I don't care.

"Niall, I want to marry him."

Niall laughs, "We know Louis, it's been petty obvious since the X-Factor." I shake my head, facial features now set in a serious expression. 

"No Niall," My voice is shaky, "I want to marry him. Now." My breath picks up speed as I fan myself. "I am in love with that loser and I want to marry him." I keep repeating it, telling myself. 

"You-" Niall starts, open-mouthed, a little shocked. "You want to marry him? Now?" He asks. I nod my head. "Well not like today, but pretty soon, yes." I tell him. There's a lot I have to think about involving this, and I can't just rush into everything, as much as I want to. 

"That's great Louis! Can I be your best man?" He immediately asks. I roll my eyes and stand up, "I don't know Niall. I haven't thought about anything. Calm yourself down." I pull out my phone from my back pocket and see that Harry had sent me a message. 

Baby, look what I found. 

It's a picture of two sweaters, one saying He's my Harry, and the other saying He's my Louis. I laugh at the picture and see another text come through. 

They were literally made for us!! 

I text him back, I would let you get them, but that's just painfully obvious babe.

"See? He wants to buy matching sweaters." I show Niall the phone and he 'awes' aloud. "How are you going to go about this Lou?" He asks me. "I don't know right now Niall, I just know that I want to do it. I can't do it so soon, we have to talk about some stuff first. The only thing I know is that I want to make it special. Really special." 

"For sure Lou. Your relationship is literally the greatest in history!" He exclaims giddily. I giggle and ruffle his hair. "No wonder our fans call you the captain." I tease. He puffs out his chest. "Obviously I am. Gonna buy a yacht for you guys too." I nod with a laugh. 

"Alright, aren't we staying in hotel rooms tonight?" I ask Niall, a plan forming in my head. He nods, "Yea, 'm petty sure. Why?" He asks. I only smile at him as I leave the room. 


"Hi darling. How was your day?" I ask Harry as soon as he enters the bus. Before even replying, he's leaning down to peck my lips and I smile into it.  "It was good. Zayn and I went to a few stores, I didn't get anything though. Oh, I saw the sweaters at a thrift store when these two guys were looking at it. They actually bought a pair and I so desperately wanted to approach them, but that would've been to obvious. They were adorable together too." His arms are wrapped around my waist as mine are wrapped around his neck. 

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